Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No. 68/2557 Subject: Urgent Interim Measures to Prevent and Suppress Human Trafficking and Solve Problems pertaining to Migrant Workers, Phase One

Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No. 68/2557 Subject: Urgent Interim Measures to Prevent and Suppress Human Trafficking and Solve Problems pertaining to Migrant Workers, Phase One

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 18 Jun 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 19 Nov 2022

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Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order

No. 68/2557

Subject: Urgent Interim Measures to Prevent and Suppress Human Trafficking and Solve Problems pertaining to Migrant Workers, Phase One

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            Whereas the problems of human trafficking and illegal migrant workers have increased in severity and have persisted for a protracted period of time, in order that such problems can be addressed seriously, effectively and in an integrated manner, with due respect for international human rights principles, the National Council for Peace and Order hereby announces the following:

            1. All business operators and employers who employ migrant workers must undertake to follow legal procedures so that such migrant workers may enjoy protection in the workplace and are not subject to forced labor especially those in the fishing industry and related businesses. In the interim, the National Council for Peace and Order has instituted a temporary waiver so business operators may compile a comprehensive list of workers under their employ to facilitate the subsequent organizational phase.

            2. All business operators, employers and migrant workers residing in Thailand shall extend their cooperation in implementing measures instituted by the legal authorities so as to enable the Thai Government to provide due protection in accordance with human rights and humanitarian principles per phase one of the measure currently under temporary waiver.

            3. All relevant government offices and state agencies are to enforce the law with diligence and efficiency in the course of preventing and combating human trafficking and illegal labour smuggling networks.

            4. If any government officer fails to carry out the duty or is involved in illegal exploitation of human trafficking, in particular concerning migrant workers, child labour, women, and migrant labour smuggling, such officer shall be punished through both disciplinary and criminal proceedings.

            5. The measures laid out herein are to be implemented with cooperation from neighboring countries and the international community. International human rights and humanitarian standards concerning labour rights as well as the principles of equality and justice must also be adhered to.

            6. The Committee on the policy concerning migrant workers is to monitor the implementation of clauses 1 – 5, above, and shall continually report the result to the NCPO.


            This announcement shall take effect immediately

                                                            Announced on 17 June B.E. 2557 (2014)


                                                                                       General Prayut Chan-o-cha

                                                                        Head of the National Council for Peace and Order