Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No. 67/2557 Subject: Temporary measures in addressing migrant workers

Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No. 67/2557 Subject: Temporary measures in addressing migrant workers

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 18 Jun 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 20 Nov 2022

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Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order

No. 67/2557

Subject: Temporary measures in addressing migrant workers

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            There have recently been news reports affecting the employment of migrant workers in Thailand such that many have left their employment and migrated back to their home country, causing negative impacts on business and the overall economy of the country. The NCPO is concerned with the situation and wishes to announce temporary measures in tackling this issue as follows:

            1. The NCPO has no policy as yet to crack down on migrant workers as has been reported in the news.

            2. For the orderly management of migrant workers, the NCPO has specified that there be measures providing for the control of migrant workers by requiring businesses and employers with land-based and marine-based enterprises to submit comprehensive name lists of their employees to be examined by relevant officers at no expense. This is to prevent illegal activity, drugs, crime, unfair employment and bodily harm. This is so that all migrant workers may be treated fairly, according to human rights and humanitarian principles, and so that Thailand may explain the situation to the international community without compromising its credibility.

            3. The NCPO is currently considering the measures/processes as well as amendments to the law and regulations in order to resolve the issue of migrant workers. It aims to find a systematic and sustainable solution to the problem, while avoiding causing an impact as in the past. The NCPO aims to provide appropriate and fair treatment to migrant workers of all nationalities residing in Thailand, as befits the concerns of their home countries.

            4. Caution must be taken when individuals or groups claiming to be government officials spread news that cause fear among migrant workers. These groups may aim to take advantage of the new registration system or aim to avoid paying the wages agreed in the contract. Citizens are urged to notify the authorities or the NCPO should they come across such practice, so that investigation and prosecution can be carried out according to the law.

            5. Business owners, employers etc. that employ migrant workers should ensure their employees’ understanding and cooperate with the NCPO in tackling the issue concretely and systematically. The measures adopted at present are only temporary measures aimed to tackle the problem concerning migrant workers. 

            6. Should entrepreneurs, employers, migrant workers, and operating officers have any doubt regarding operations concerning migrant workers, they should inform relevant officials and the NCPO to clarify their query immediately before taking any further action.

            7. Thailand has been pressured by human rights organizations and the international community on issues of human rights violations, human trafficking, use of illegal and forced labour, physical abuse of migrant workers, etc., which are not true in any way. The dissemination of such information has compromised Thailand's credibility and affected the operations of the NCPO.

            8. The NCPO wishes to inform all foreign media and international organizations accordingly so as to prevent undue alarm, damage to the overall economy and misunderstanding with the migrant workers' home countries, especially given the stories that Thai officials have fatally attacked migrant workers with weapons or that there has been a crackdown, which are both false from 20 May 2014 to the present.

            9. Police, the Immigration Bureau, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Interior, the Internal Security Operations Command, the Border Defense Forces of the Royal Thai Army and the Royal Thai Navy, the Peace and Order Keeping Forces, and all relevant government agencies shall adhere to the guidelines set out in paragraphs 1 – 8 above in the performance of their duties.

            This announcement shall take effect immediately until further notice.


                                    Announced on 16 June B.E. 2557 (2014)


                                                                                    General Prayut Chan-o-cha

                                                                  Head of the National Council for Peace and Order