Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) No. 34/2557 Subject: Amendments to the administrative arrangements of the NCPO

Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) No. 34/2557 Subject: Amendments to the administrative arrangements of the NCPO

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 2 Jun 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2022

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Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)

No. 34/2557

Subject: Amendments to the administrative arrangements of the NCPO

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            In order for the administration by the NCPO to be carried out orderly and effectively, the structure of the NCPO as laid down in the Announcement of the NCPO (formerly NPOMC) No. 22/2557 dated 23 May 2014 is to be readjusted as follows:

            1. Office of the Secretary-General of the NCPO is to be readjusted as follows:

                        1.1 The structure of the Office laid down in the Announcement of the NCPO No. 22/2557 dated 23 May 2557 is to be abolished;

                        1.2 The new structure of the Office is henceforth divided into two divisions:

                                    1.2.1 Peace and Order Division: General Aksara Goetpol, Chief-of-Staff of the Royal Thai Army is to be appointed Director of the Division; Lieutenant General Chatchaleom Chaleomsuk, Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Royal Thai Army is to be appointed Deputy Director of the Division. The function of this Division is to lay out strategies, to administer, control and oversee the maintenance of peace and order in the areas under responsibility of the NCPO;

                                    1.2.2 Public Administration Division: Lieutenant General Chatudom Thitasiri, Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Royal Thai Army, is to be appointed Director of the Division; Lieutenant General Anantaporn Kanchanarat, Comptroller for the Royal Thai Army, is to be appointed Deputy Director of the Division. The function of this Division shall include overseeing the administration of all divisions within the NCPO and other Government Agencies under the direct command of the Head of the NCPO;

            2. Southern Border Province Administrative Centre is to be put under the direct command of the Head of the NCPO.

            This announcement shall take effect immediately

            Announced on 24 May B.E. 2557 (2014)



                                                                        General Prayuth Chan-O-Cha

                                                Head of the National Peace and Order Maintaining Council