Weekly press briefing by MFA spokesperson on Thursday, 3 March 2022 at 11:30 hours

Weekly press briefing by MFA spokesperson on Thursday, 3 March 2022 at 11:30 hours

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 4 Mar 2022

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Weekly press briefing by MFA spokesperson 
on Thursday, 3 March 2022 at 11:30 hours 
via MFA Facebook Live


  1. Thailand's Statement on the Situation in Ukraine and Update on evacuation for Thai nationals in Ukraine
  • The MFA released Thailand's Statement on the Situation in Ukraine on 24 Feb. 2022 regarding the ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia as follows: (1) Thailand has been following developments in Ukraine, especially the escalation of tensions in Europe with deep concern, and (2) Thailand supports ongoing efforts to find a peaceful settlement to the situation through dialogue.
  • ASEAN Foreign Ministers also released Statement on the Situation in Ukraine 26 Feb. 2022 as follows:

(1) We call on all relevant parties to exercise maximum restraint and make utmost efforts to pursue dialogue through all channels, including diplomatic means to contain the situation, to de-escalate tensions, and to seek peaceful resolution in accordance with international law, the principles of the UN Charter and the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia;

(2)  We believe that there is still room for a peaceful dialogue to prevent the situation from getting out of control. For peace, security, and harmonious co-existence to prevail, it is the responsibility of all parties to uphold the principles of mutual respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and equal rights of all nations.

  • Permanent Representative of Thailand to the UN made statements on two occasions: 

(1) United Nations General Assembly Plenary meeting, Agenda Item 67 “The situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine” on 23 Feb. 2022

(2) The 11th  Emergency Special Session of the UNGA on 1 March 2022

The key points of the above-mentioned statements  are:

  • Thailand supports efforts to find a peaceful settlement to the situation through dialogue in accordance with the UN Charter and international law, upholding the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. We also support the call of the Secretary General of the UN for a peaceful solution to this issue as well as the UN and regional organizations.
  • Thailand commends Ukraine’s neighbouring countries and other States for their prompt actions in mobilizing assistance to those with pressing humanitarian needs. On our part, Thailand shall do our utmost in addressing humanitarian needs of affected citizens, directly and in partnership with like-minded international organizations.
  • Thailand adheres to the principles enshrined in the UN Charter and international law, in particular respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of States, and refraining from the use of force or threat of use of force against another state. We thus call for the immediate cessation of violence and armed hostilities. The escalation of the situation will cause wider impacts for the world, aggravate humanitarian conditions and threaten the global economy, hampering the fragile recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Thailand thus renews our call for dialogue and negotiations in order to find a peaceful settlement and sustainable solution through the UN, regional mechanisms and other mutually acceptable modalities.
  • On 2 March 2022, the Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on Ukraine with a vote of 141 in favor (including Thailand),
    5 against (Russia, Belarus, Syria, DPRK and Eritrea) and 35 abstentions. It demanded that the Russian Federation immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine and immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces.
  • Explanation of Vote after the vote at the 11th Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly 

(1) Thailand has carefully considered the draft and voted in support of the resolution because of the overriding importance that Thailand attaches to the principles enshrined in the UN Charter and those of international law, in particular respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and the non-use of force against States. 

(2) Our support of the resolution also underlines our deep concerns for the plight of affected civilians and the humanitarian consequences of the hostilities and violence in the area. In this regard, we call on all parties to fully comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law. 

(3) We are also concerned with the potential longer-term consequences on the rules-based international order, and renew our call towards peace and for all parties to enhance dialogue through various means to truly realize a peaceful settlement of the situation. 

  • Since 25 Feb. 2022, the Royal Thai Embassy in Warsaw has set up an operation centre in Lviv (Цісар (Tsisar) Hotel; Horodotska St, 65, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine, 79000) to coordinate efforts with local authorities and to be used as temporary shelter for Thai nationals to gather before moving to Warsaw, Poland. 
  • Thai nationals have been also evacuated from Odessa City, 300 km. from Romania-Ukraine border, through Bucharest, which the Royal Thai Embassy in Bucharest has been coordinating the evacuation.
  • So far, three groups of Thai nationals have returned to Thailand:
    • On 2 March 2022, 38 Thai nationals (from Bucharest) arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport by Thai Airways flight TG923 at 06.25 hrs.
    • On 2 March 2022, the second group of 58 Thai nationals (from Warsaw) arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport by Emirates flight EK384 at 12.05 hrs.  
    • On 3 March 2022, The third group of 40 Thai nationals (from Warsaw) arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport by Emirates flight EK384 at 12.05 hrs.
  • Status of Thai nationals in Ukraine as of 2 March 2022 at 23.30 hrs.
    • 219 of 256 Thais in Ukraine wished to evaculate from Ukraine. Amongst these, 203 Thai nationals has left Ukraine. 136 have arrived Thailand, while 59 are waiting for evacuation. 8 Thai nationals are not able leave Ukraine yet, while 31 continues to stay in Ukraine. All Thai nationals remain safe.


  1. The Official Visit of the Prime Minister of Malaysia to Thailand
  • On 25 February 2022, PM held a discussion with Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, PM of Malaysia, during the latter’s official visit to Thailand. This was also the first official visit of a leader from foreign countries to Thailand since the COVID-19 pandemic.  
  • Both PMs agreed to enhance the strategic partnership between Thailand and Malaysia and to work closely to achieve post-COVID-19 recovery for the benefits of people in both countries.  They agreed to reopen borders for fully vaccinated travellers with no quarantine as soon as possible, together with continuously practicing disease control measures as well as to finalise the mutual recognition of their digital vaccine certificates, which would facilitate the travelling procedures between Thailand and Malaysia. 
  • Both sides also agreed to expedite connectivity projects in the border areas, including the construction of the road alignment linking CIQ Sadao and CIQ Bukit Kayu Hitam, and the construction of new bridges across the Golok River and the developments on the Southern Border Provinces of Thailand
  • DPM/FM hosted a working lunch to welcome H.E. Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, FM of Malaysia, Both sides discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations and to expedite the border connectivity projects. The two ministers also exchanged views on regional issues and the role of ASEAN to address challenges.


  1. DPM/FM attended the Ministerial Forum for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
  • DPM/FM paid an official visit to France on 20-24 2022 to attend the Ministerial Forum for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, hosted by France as it holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) during January - June 2022.
  • The meeting was attended by FMs or high level representatives of 56 countries, consisting of the EU member countries and countries in the Indo-Pacific region and the South Pacific Ocean.
  • DPM/FM participated in the thematic roundtable on global issues (climate change, protection of oceans, biodiversity, global health), during which he presented Thailand’s Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy Model as an alternative strategy for a sustainable and inclusive growth. DPM/FM reiterated that BCG will keep balance between the promotion of economic growth and the protection of nature and environment to safeguard both the ecosystem and human security. 
  • DPM/FM declared that Thailand as host of APEC 2022 under the theme “Open. Connect. Balance.” is ready to work with 20 economies of Asia-Pacific region to promote a more resilient, inclusive and green growth with the whole-of-BCG as a compass.
  • DPM/FM and Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France signed the Roadmap for Thai-French Relations (2022-2024) to enhance bilateral relations with a view to establishing strategic partnership by 2024. Both sides held a bilateral meeting during which the Thai side expressed appreciation for France’s donation of 400,140 doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to Thailand, which was expected to be delivered in March 2022. Thailand also sought France’s support for the negotiations for Thailand-EU Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) and the resumption of the negotiations for Thailand-EU FTA.
  • DPM/FM had bilateral meetings with FMs of several countries as well as executives of international organizations, for instance ;
  • FM of Australia: Both sides discussed activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the diplomatic relations. FM of Australia reiterated Australia’s support for Thailand as host of APEC this year.
  • FM and Trade of New Zealand: Both sides discussed bilateral, sub-regional and regional issues, especially within the ASEAN and ACMECS frameworks and the strengthening of the 65-year bilateral relations as well as the promotion of cooperation for the recovery of both countries and the region from COVID-19 by focusing on the fields that were in line with Thailand’s Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy Model. Other topics of discussion included the 30-year New Zealand Economic Plan.
  • Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President of the European Commission on the European Green Deal: The Thai side reiterated Thailand’s commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement. Thailand has set the goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and net zero greenhouse gas emission by 2065.
  • DPM/FM participated in the Bali Process Steering Group meeting, together with the FMs of Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand at the Embassy of Indonesia in Paris, which is a regional consultative forum on illegal immigration, human smuggling, human trafficking and transnational crime.


  1. Foreign Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh visited Thailand
  • Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh, visited Thailand to co-chair the 2nd Thailand - Bangladesh Bilateral Consultations (BC) Meeting with Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Thailand.
  • The meeting followed up on the development of cooperation and ways to enhance relations in trade and investment, politics and security, human resource development, technical cooperation and connectivity.  Bangladesh viewed Thailand as a model of development in many areas and is keen to learn from Thailand’s experiences. Both sides also reiterated continued support for each other in regional multilateral frameworks especially the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), to be chaired by Thailand in 2022 – 2023.
  • Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh, also paid a courtesy call on DPM/FM. The Foreign Secretary expressed appreciation for the Government of Thailand’s assistance in the repatriation of Bangladeshi nationals from Thailand during the pandemic as well as vaccination of Bangladeshis residing in Thailand. While DPM/FM appreciated close relations between the two countries.
  • MFA unveiled the commemorative logo of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations of Thailand and Bangladesh, designed by the Royal Thai Embassy, Dhaka and MFA of Bangladesh together to be used in commemorative activities throughout the year.


  1. Adjustments of Test and Go scheme for entering Thailand
  • CCSA General Meeting on 23 February 2022 made adjustments to ease entry requirements under Test and Go scheme as follows:
  • The second RT-PCR test for Test and Go scheme on day 5 has changed to a self-administered ATK test, where the results can be reported to Moh Prompt application. Travelers by the Test and Go scheme are no longer required to book for the second hotel stay on day 5. 
  • Medical insurance coverage that includes COVID treatment are now lowered from 50,000 USD to at least 20,000 USD per person. The insurance is NOT required for Thai nationals or foreign nationals who have Thai social security/ confirmation letters from employer in Thailand. 
  • These adjustments came into effective from 1st of March.
  • Travelers who wish to enter Thailand still need to register on Thailand Pass at https://tp.consular.go.th/ with processing time 3-7 days. 
  • For further information and inquiries:  Department of Consular Affairs, Tel. (66) 02 572 8442 (24 hours), Email : [email protected] 
  • Thailand Pass FAQs : https://consular.mfa.go.th/th/content/thailand-pass-faqs-2


  1. Adjustment of measures for travelers from Thailand entering Japan/Singapore/Israel


6.1 Japan 

  • From 1 March 2022, the Government of Japan has adjusted some border control measures. Measures that are related to travelers from Thailand as follows:   
  • Travelers from the countries with the spread of COVID-19 Omicron variants (including Thailand) need to do a home quarantine for 7 days. However, travelers who have been vaccinated at least 3 doses of COVID-19 vaccine, in accordance with conditions set by the Government of Japan, can be exempted from the quarantine. 
  • Travelers who can be exempted need to be vaccinated according to conditions set by the Government of Japan  as follows: 
  • First two shots of vaccine: Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Moderna or 1 shot of Johnson & Johnson
  • The third shot of vaccine: Pfizer or Moderna only
  • The Government of Japan only allows long-stay travelers and short-stay (no longer than 3 months period) with business and working purposes. Tourists are still NOT allowed to enter Japan. 
  • Further information and inquiry can be found at Facebook page: Royal Thai Embassy, Tokyo. 


6.2 Singapore

  • From 21 February 2022, the Singapore Government has announced the easing of immigration requirements and expanding the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL). Important measures related to travelers from Thailand as follows:
  • Travelers from Thailand (including tourists) can enter Singapore without quarantine through the VTL lane. 
  • However, travelers who travel from Thailand through normal channel still need to do 7-day quarantine at their residence or hotel. Travelers are required to show the RT-PCR or ART (ATK) negative result which tested by 48-hour prior to the flight. Travelers also required to test again on day 7 of arrival. 
  • Further information can be found at the Thai Business in Singapore Information Centre Website: https://thaibizsingapore.com/news/%e0%b8%81/directions/travel-measure-sg/

6.3 Israel

  • From 1 March 2022, the Government of Israel has allowed travels with a negative RT-PCR result (taken within 72 hours before boarding) from any country to enter Israel by air. Those travelers are required to take RT-PCR test again upon their arrivals and are not required to quarantine if the results are negative.
  • Further information can be found at Facebook: Royal That Embassy, Tel Aviv 


  1. Updates on the rescue mission for Thai nationals who were lured to work in Cambodia
  • On 2 March 2022, the Royal Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh has returned 56 Thai nationals who were lured to work illegally in Cambodia to Thailand through Poipet- Ban Khlong Luk Check-point, Aranyaprathet district, Sa Kaeo Province.
  • MFA wishes to extend appreciation to Thai and Cambodian relevant agencies for cooperation and efforts to assist, facilitate and prevent Thai nationals from being lured for illegal work in Cambodia. 


  1. Reappointment of Thailand’s Representative in ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights
  • On 15 February 2022, the Cabinet endorsed the reappointment of Prof. Dr. Amara Pongsapich as Thailand’s Representative in ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) for the second term of 2022-2024. 
  • As Thailand’s AICHR Representative, Professor Dr. Amara has played an active role in promoting business and human rights and issues pertaining to SDGs implementation in ASEAN region, regional initiatives to mainstream human rights into the Goals pertaining to environment, gender equality, children’s rights, and partnership for sustainability.


  1. Department of Consular Affairs offers legalization services at two new venues
  • Department of Consular Affairs, MFA, offers legalization services for official documents, their copies and signatures at two new venues:

(1) Phuket Passport Office at Central Festival Phuket, B Floor. Starting from 1 March 2022. Tel. 076 222 080 – 81

(2) Pathum Wan Passport Office at MBK Center, 5th floor, Zone A. Starting from 14 March 2022. Tel. 0 2126 7616.

  • Please book the queue online at https://qlegal.consular.go.th



  • Will Thailand or Sri Lanka host the BIMSTEC2022 Summit on 30 March 2022?
  • Sri Lanka will hand over the BIMSTEC chairmanship to Thailand after the Summit in March.
  • Reasons why Thailand voted to support the UNGA draft resolution: Agression against Ukraine
  • Thailand has carefully considered the draft and voted in support of the resolution because of the overriding importance that Thailand attaches to the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter and those of international law, in particular respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and the non-use of force against States. It also underlines our deep concerns for the plight of affected civilians and the humanitarian consequences of the hostilities and violence in the area. In this regard, we call on all parties to fully comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law. Thailand is concerned with the potential longer-term consequences on the rules-based international order, and renew our call towards peace and for all parties to enhance dialogue through various means to truly realize a peaceful settlement of the situation. 


Weekly Press Briefing>>>https://www.facebook.com/ThaiMFA/videos/3059754804288937


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