Ambassador attended the 42nd AGM of ASEAN Ladies' Circle (ALC) and accepted the position of ALC Chairman for the term 2024 - 2025

Ambassador attended the 42nd AGM of ASEAN Ladies' Circle (ALC) and accepted the position of ALC Chairman for the term 2024 - 2025

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 2 Apr 2024

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 2 Apr 2024

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On 27 March 2024, H.E. Ms. Lada Phumas, Ambassador of Thailand to Malaysia, as Patron ALC Thailand, led members of ASEAN Ladies' Circle (ALC) Thailand to attend the 42nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of ALC at the High Commission of Brunei Darussalam, Putrajaya. The meeting was presided over by Datin Soraya Dato Hamid, Spouse of Brunei High Commissioner/ Patron, ALC Brunei/ the ALC President 2023 – 2024, in the presence of approximately 70 participants, including ALC Patron of Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapore, Vietnam, and ALC Alternate Patron of Malaysia and Philippines, as well as representatives and ALC members from ASEAN member countries in Kuala Lumpur.
At the meeting, the Ambassador has been designated the position of ALC President for 2024 - 2025, succeeding Patron ALC Brunei. During the one-year term of presidency, the Ambassador is determined to promote mutual understanding, cooperation, and unity among women in the ASEAN community in Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia, and promote social and cultural exchanges, and advancement of women and children in ASEAN in the field of education and economic and social development etc. In assuming the position, the Ambassador, in her remarks, underlined the readiness to work closely with patrons, representatives, and all ALC members, and welcomed new ALC Patron, especially H.E. Ms. Maria Angela A. Ponce, Philippines Ambassador/ Patron, ALC Philippines, and Alternate Patron, Madam Siti Nur Khadizah binti Haji Mostapa, Deputy Secretary General (Management Services) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia.
The meeting acknowledged ALC’s performance of the past year under the Presidentship of Datin Soraya, and lauded the meaningful works carried out by the ALC Executive Committee 2023 – 2024, as well as endorsing the appointment of the ALC Executive Committee 2024 - 2025 under the Presidentship of the Thai Ambassador to Malaysia, of which comprising Datin Sri Razana Mat, Patron ALC Malaysia as Vice President, Ms. Pinyada Reiniger, Member of ALC Thailand as Honorary Secretary, Ms. Amy Zuraina Adnan, Member of ALC Malaysia as Assistant Honorary Secretary, Ms. Joena Flores, ALC Philippines Member as Honorary Treasurer and Ms. Lilis Surianty Mior Aziz, ALC Member of Malaysia as Assistant Honorary Treasurer. There was a presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to the outgoing ALC Executive Committee for 2023 – 2024 for their support and contribution to ALC, followed by a photo session held in a warm and cordial atmosphere.
As ALC President 2024 - 2025, the Ambassador will convene the ALC Executive Committee Meeting to further discuss ALC's plans and activities in 2024 according to the guidelines set out in Article 9 of the Rules and Constitution of ALC.

