Heart Attack Roadshow in Hanoi, Vietnam

Heart Attack Roadshow in Hanoi, Vietnam

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 29 Oct 2015

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 5 Nov 2019

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            The Ministry of Foreign  Affairsin collaboration with the Royal Thai Embassy in Hanoi and the Thailand Foundation organized a Thai Film and Thai TV series promotional project in Hanoi during 26-27 October 2015. H.E. Mr. PiriyaKhemphon, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign  Affairs, led the team consisting of Mrs. LinnaTangthasiri, Deputy Director General of Department of Information, representatives from the Thailand Foundation, the National Federation of Motion Pictures and Contents Associationas well as GMM Tai Hub Co., Ltd. (GTH), Mr. NawapolThamrongrattanarit, director, Mr. SunnySuwanmethanont, leading actor and media to attend the so-called Heart Attack Roadshow. 
            The Premiere Party for the ‘Heart Attack Roadshow’ was held on 26 October 2015 at the Star Galaxy Theater & Convention starting off with the Meet and Greet  Activity which was surprisingly welcomed by many Vietnamese teenagers who are fans of Thai movies and the leading star. Subsequent activities; Press conference, a cocktail reception, the film screening with over 400 invitees from diplomatic corps, Thai community and Vietnamese fans attendingwere then followed after.
            The above event has also received much attention from local media, e.g., Voice of Vietnam (VOV) Radio and “DienAnhKetNoi Dam Me”, a popular local TV programme of Vietnam Television (VTV) had special interviews with the director and the leading star on the next day. 
            The overwhelming success of the Heart Attack Roadshow has emphasized Thai movies’ popularities in Vietnam. The Roadshow still has been warmly welcome by Vietnamese teenagers and local media after the triumph of the films “Pee MakPhraKanong” and “I Fine Thank  You Love You” a few years back, reflecting the potentials for Thai movie industry to expand its market in Vietnam and also a great opportunity for both sides to explore cooperation in  the film business. The Roadshow was also among the first activities to celebrate the establishment of diplomatic ties between Thailand and Vietnam which will reach its 40th anniversary next year. 

