“Songkran” Festivities at the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Thailand to the United Nations, 24 April 2015

“Songkran” Festivities at the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Thailand to the United Nations, 24 April 2015

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 20 May 2015

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 5 Nov 2019

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            On 24 April 2015, the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Thailand to the United Nations hosted “Songkran” Day festivities to celebrate the Thai New Year.Permanent Representatives and officials from various Permanent Missions based in New York, along withofficials from the United Nations Secretariat, were invited to experience Thai hospitality and Thai cultural heritage, in particular the traditional Thai New Year greetings and Thai culinary arts. The guests also enjoyed musical performances by bands from the Serbian and the Thai Missions. As highlight of the evening, the Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of the Socialist Republic of Romania, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of South Korea, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Kingdom of Thailand, participated in a “high-level jam session” with musical instruments of their choices. The eveningcontributed to raising awareness of Thai culture, and allowed the diplomatic corps and the United Nations Secretariat in New York to strengthen their existing bonds of friendship. It was also an opportunity for the Thai Mission to launch its new project entitled the “Thai-Break”, which aims to further strengthen personalties amongst the diplomatic and UN community in New York in the future through a monthly Friday night social and cultural/musical gathering at “the Ties”, a newly created venue for this purpose. 

