The Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra wishes to convey information on the current situation in Thailand.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra wishes to convey information on the current situation in Thailand.

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 4 Aug 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2022

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             The Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra wishes to convey information on the current situation in Thailand as follows: Progress of the 3-phase Roadmap

             The Promulgation of the Provisional Constitution

In accordance with the 2nd phase of Roadmap, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Provisional) B.E.2557 has been promulgated on 22 July 2014. Containing 48 Sections, it sets up 5 principal organs in the administration of the country in Phase 2 of the 3-phase Roadmap.

1. The National Legislative Assembly will consist of 220 members. Their main task is to pass legislations, approve Emergency Decrees, and approve the signing of international agreements. These functions are in line with the authority and powers of a normal Parliament. The Assembly has the right to submit a motion for a general debate on the matter of government’s administration of State affairs. The Assembly will terminate upon the installment of a new Parliament pursuant to the new Constitution.

2. The Council of Ministers will consist of 36 members, the same number as in the previous government’s. They are tasked with administering the country, expediting the reform process, and continuing with reconciliation. This Council of Ministers will cease to function when a new cabinet assumes office after the general election is held pursuant to the new Constitution. It is expected that the National Legislative Assembly and the Council of Ministers will be installed and begin their duties from September 2014.

3. The National Reform Council will consist of 250 members, selected from all 77 provinces of Thailand and 11 social and professional sectors nationwide. The Reform Council will recommend various reform measures, which the Council of Ministers will carry out under existing laws, or under new laws passed by the Legislative Assembly. The Reform Council will also deliberate on the draft of the new Constitution. This Council is expected to be appointed in early October 2014.

4. The Constitution Drafting Committee will consist of 36 members nominated by the National Reform Council, the National Legislative Assembly, the Cabinet, and The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) at the ratio of 20 : 5 : 5 : 6 respectively. Committee members must not be a member of any political party or independent organization during the past 3 years prior to his/her appointment.

5. The NCPO is tasked to only maintain peace and security in the country.

           Drafting Process of the new Constitution

          1. Selection Committees will be appointed to propose a short list of names for themembers of the Reform Council to 250 members.

          2. Within 15 days, a full Constitution Drafting Committee must be nominated by the National Reform Council, the National Legislative Assembly, the Cabinet, and the NCPO.

          3. The Constitution Drafting Committee, taking into account recommendations from the Reform Council, proposes a draft of the new Constitution within 120 days.

          4. The Reform Council will jointly with NCPO consider the draft new Constitution and revert  to the Drafting Committee with their suggestions within 40 days.

          5. The Drafting Committee considers these suggestions, revises the draft, and returns the revised draft to the Reform Council within 60 days.

          6. The Reform Council votes to either accept or reject the revised draft as a whole – no further amendment is possible.

                      6.1. If the Reform Council rejects the draft, the terms of office the Reform Council and the Drafting Committee also terminates.

                          6.2. In this case, the selection process for the Reform Council and the Drafting Committee will start again.

          7. If the Reform Council accepts the draft, the Chairman of the Reform Council will submit  it for Royal Endorsement.

                      7.1. If the draft does not receive the Royal Endorsement, the terms of office of the  Reform Council and the Drafting Committee will terminate, and the selection process for the Council and the Drafting Committee will start again.

          8. If the draft receives Royal Endorsement, it will be promulgated in the Royal Gazette. On that  same day,the Provisional Constitutionwill cease to be in force.

          9. With a new Constitution in place, and a general election expected towards October 2015, Thailand will have a fully democratic regime with His Majesty the King as Head of State.