Mission Statement and Policies of the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)

Mission Statement and Policies of the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 7 Jul 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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Mission Statement and Policies

of the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)


          1. Mission statement

·        To end the conflict among the Thai people, to drive the economy forward and to restore confidence under the executive, legislative and judicial frameworks by exercising the royal prerogatives of the King through such frameworks in the same tradition in which a regular government has exercised such powers, with the institution of the monarchy remaining above all conflicts.

·        Build trust and confidence amongst foreign nations and international organizations in the international arena on the basis of protecting national interests.

·        Build confidence for foreign investment and other foreign business dealings in Thailand.

·        Create stability in all dimensions – political, economic, social and cultural – to transition the democratic system in Thailand, with the King as Head of State, towards universally accepted standards, with trust from all sides.

·        Coordinate viewpoints and seek common ground among people with different opinions, with the national interest foremost in mind.

·        Elevate education levels and build standards of living in accordance with the sufficiency economy approach under a sustainable democratic system of governance with the King as Head of State.


          2.   Administrative Policies

             2.1           Adherence to rules, orders, regulations and laws

                   In administering affairs of the state under the normal system as much as possible, all government officials are requested to work together with the NCPO in following up, supervising, and evaluating policies in order to move the country forward. The NCPO has appointed an Executive Director for each administrative cluster to supervise the work on behalf of the Head of the NCPO to ensure transparency, accountability, efficiency and efficacy of policy implementation for all Thais. Government officials must regard this as their duty and responsibility as well as give their full cooperation.

             2.2           On Economy and Government Budget

                   The NCPO will not operate beyond the framework of the 2014 fiscal year budget, which has been allocated and approved by the previous government. Nonetheless, review of some problematic projects is needed in order to ensure clear understanding from all sides. The consideration of the 2015 fiscal year  budget proposals shall be completed in time to meet government expenditures starting in October 2014. Monetary and fiscal discipline must be adhered to as prescribed. The amount of public debt generated must not be higher than the ability of the government to repay. Government spending must be done with care. No new projects, plans or large-scale investment projects which lack readiness, planning and clear returns are to be proposed or initiated during this period. Launch of new projects are to be primarily funded from within the current annual budgetary framework, and such projects are to be listed in the budget for subsequent years in order to ensure continuity in revitalizing the economy and generating income for the people.

             - The NCPO aims to promote free trade, improve the taxation system, and  justly control consumer goods for the maximum benefit of business and the public alike.

             - The NCPO aims to expedite the amendment of rules, regulations and laws that hinder the conduct of state affairs, and propel a free trade economy in accordance with international standards. This will help pave the way for Thailand’s integration into the ASEAN Economic Community.

             - The NCPO will propel the economy forward expeditiously, with the public interest as the main goal. Nonetheless, such measures must be in accordance with existing rules and regulations that are transparent, free from corruption and monopolization, and just for all sides, including small, medium and large enterprises.

             - The NCPO will promote the establishment of additional public-private partnership funds for use in investing in public utilities, water sources and other public affairs. This is to provide opportunities for the public to jointly invest with the government and reduce the government’s fiscal burden on expenditures and loans.

             - The NCPO will promote the establishment of central markets for agricultural products in order to minimize monopolization or unfair capitalistic practices. The people will be encouraged to participate in these markets in line with the cooperatives system, in accordance with the royal initiative of His Majesty the King to strengthen civil society at the village, local and national levels in a sustainable manner.

             2.3 On National Security

                   - The NCPO aims to create stability and promote equality in the ASEAN Community, and to support the great strengths of ASEAN to be on par with the civilized world. The public must be involved in maintaining vigilance and safeguarding security in cooperation with security officers in all areas in order to prevent harm to the lives and property of the general public.

                   - The NCPO aims to promote the right attitude and understanding on the importance of national security work. Educational institutions have an important role in inculcating social responsibility, generosity, sharing and unity as powerful forces in maintaining sustainable peace and stability for the nation.

             2.4 On Foreign Affairs

                   - The NCPO aims to promote public awareness, greater understanding  and prepare Thailand for integration into the emerging ASEAN Community in 2015, so that foreigners will have full confidence in the administrative system at all levels, whether in the public, private or civil society sectors;

                   - The NCPO will enhance foreign relations, encourage foreign investment while building Thailand’s internal strengths in all dimensions. Foreign investment must offer technological transfer and use parts and components produced in Thailand that are up to standard, and high-quality Thai raw materials to add value for the true benefit of both the country and people;

                   - The NCPO aims to resolve all issues in order to make further progress in foreign relations. It will also promote investment by raising capital from overseas. There shall be clear oversight, so as not to unduly benefit any particular party, and unrestricted competition. Special support will be given to Thai entrepreneurs so as to strengthen Thai people’s potential to compete with foreign investors. However, special caution must be taken not to allow monopolies in basic infrastructure projects.

             2.5 On Social Psychology

                   - The NCPO aims to strengthen and instill Thai attitudes, with beautiful and proud traditions and history, morals and virtues. All these attributes will help make a strong society, one that is selfless, generous, sharing, harmonious, unified and mindful of being Thai. Any differences in viewpoints must be resolved by peaceful means.

                   - The NCPO will nurture respect for the rule of law and discipline similar to those in developed countries where government authorities do not often need to enforce the law. Government officials must not use the law as  conditions to create conflict but rather to uphold justice. Therefore, if the people are able to maintain self-discipline and help monitor any primary cause of conflict, law enforcement can be applied by government officials based on mutual respect.

                   - The NCPO will instill and foster a consciousness that abhors corruption, abuse of authority and unlawful practices by pointing out the negative consequences of such actions, which are considered repulsive behaviors. Society must help protect the common interest.

             2.6 On Law and Judicial Processes

                   - The NCPO will ensure that normal judicial/legal processes function properly, and are credible both domestically and internationally.

                   - The NCPO will not use the law as a means to create conflict between parties.

                   - The NCPO will improve and strengthen each component of the judicial system to foster impartiality, fairness and accountability.

             2.7 On Education

                   - Education is the foundation for Thailand’s sustainable development. It is imperative to promote and elevate education at all levels for all ages. All educational authorities must continuously integrate their work so as not to let a fragmented educational system hinder the nation’s human resource development.

                   - The NCPO will develop and modernize teachers, education personnel and education technology using child-, youth- and student-centered approaches. Any changes in the education system must address the questions of what benefits they provide for the children or students of all levels.

                   - The NCPO will develop ways to promote among Thai youths a sense of patriotism and duty to protect national interests, as well as hold the institution of the monarchy in the highest esteem. They will learn and take pride in our history and the roots of our ancestors, and realise a sense of gratitude for the country. They should not move forward by neglecting past virtues.

                   - The NCPO will provide the security sector with the opportunity to cooperate with all education institutions to build discipline, physical and mental strength to empower the nation for the sustainable development of the country.

             2.8 On Development of the Civil Service

                   - The NCPO will ensure that all civil servants can take satisfaction, pride and dignity in their work, and equip them with the ability to earn sufficient income to live in dignity and being able to serve as good civil servants of His Majesty the King, dedicated to performing their duties to resolve the people’s suffering and foster happiness while working for the benefit of the entire society and the people.

                   - The NCPO will enhance the merit system in the appointment and transfers of government officials by improving relevant laws, rules, regulations,  orders, and clarifications and creating a system to prevent appointments based on unfair patronage, so that no  group or person shall dominate civil servants or the civil service.

                   - The NCPO will ensure that political officials administer state affairs without interfering with the responsibilities of civil servants, except in matters related to lawful administrative disciplinary measures.

             2.9 On Professional and Income Development

                   - The NCPO will promote professional development for all, drawing financial support from both the public and private sectors. Large, medium and small businesses will be equally taken care of in order to distribute income at all levels and reduce social inequality.

                   - The NCPO will encourage public educational institutions to produce high-quality skilled craftsmen and labourers, as well as develop a professional qualification system to produce workers fully ready to enter the labour market in order to reduce the unemployment rate. The number of skilled craftsmen will be proportionate with university education graduates and scholars in other fields.

          2.10 On Research and Development

                   - The NCPO will provide an adequate budget for concrete projects that can be implemented.  Special emphasis will be given to building upon imports by using local raw materials in order to create employment and exports. It is also our intention to increase the value of agricultural products such as palm, rubber, energy crops in addition to rice or other crops whose value has been decreasing while facing tough international competition.

                   - The NCPO will promote joint investment with foreign ventures in research and development projects and particularly domestic production at every stage, from the initiation of research to exporting to the global market.  Thai products, from daily consumables to high-tech products, will be improved and made more internationally competitive.

          2.11 On the Preparation for the ASEAN Community in 2015

                   - The NCPO intends to integrate the work of all concerned agencies in Thailand’s preparation for the ASEAN Community 2015 in all three pillars namely, politics and security, economic and socio-cultural pillars. There will be concerted efforts and coordination among relevant government agencies, focusing on the national interest as a common main objective, as well as strict adherence to the agreements that Thailand has already ratified.

                   - Importance will be given to developing mechanisms that are comprehensive and effective in resolving national security issues and transnational crimes.

                   - International trade and investment must be carefully negotiated, lest their terms affect the people and economy at large. All stakeholders including the state, the private sector and civil society will have to consult and reach a consensus while those adversely affected will have to be appropriately compensated.

                   - The NCPO supports raising quality of life standards for the people as well as promoting sustainable use of natural resources.  In addition, we also promote the identity of ASEAN member countries, and the preservation of forest areas, particularly in those countries that share borders with Thailand.

          2.12 On National Reconciliation

                   - An appropriate environment will be created for the Thai people to live harmoniously in a society where individuals can have differences of opinions with being divided. The rule of law will be applied along with political science principles in managing conflict, fairness and equality without neglecting to compensate those adversely affected.

                   - The NCPO shall apply international practices and transparent procedures in conflict resolution. The process will be inclusive, involving all stakeholders with the aim to reducing inequality and building fairness for the society’s long-term harmony and prosperity.

          2.13 On Reforms

                   - Improvement of the political power structure and state agencies will be done at national, regional and local levels with the aim to uphold the democratic form of government with the King as Head of State, and to ensure that the benefits of reforms reach all in society. We will ensure that the management of reforms is effective, transparent, and fair, without misappropriation and corruption, including more decentralization at the local government level while ensuring inclusiveness.

          2.14 Election

                   - The NCPO will improve the election system so that it is honest and fair, reflecting the true wishes of the people. This will include laws regulating political parties, the candidate selection process, the electoral monitoring process, etc. All sectors of society will take part in improving the electoral system. This will be in accordance with the provisional constitution to be announced at a later stage.

All of the abovementioned is the mission statement and policies in various areas which are necessary and must be implemented in the current situation.  Not all of them can be implemented in a short period of time. Nevertheless, it is the NCPO’s firm intention to protect the interests of all Thais and the country during this critical transition period. We ask for time and an opportunity to commence our work. We ask for patience and support from all sectors and from all Thais so that we can together carry out reforms to transition Thailand towards a sustainable full-fledged democratic system with the King as Head of State.


