National Broadcast By General Prayut Chan-o-cha Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) 4 July 2014

National Broadcast By General Prayut Chan-o-cha Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) 4 July 2014

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 5 Jul 2014

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National Broadcast


General Prayut Chan-o-cha

Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)

4 July 2014


Good evening dear citizens. Today I wish to inform you of a number of issues as follows.


  1. Media: I would like to firstly touch on the issue of the mass media and other types of media.

  • The NCPO does not wish for any more conflicts and misunderstandings between the media – be they television, satellite television, radio, social media, or print – and the NCPO or officials who are legally performing their duties
  • Today the country is not in normal times. Therefore it has been necessary to request the media to curtail presentation of information that could intensify tensions, including unverified news.
  • As we have seen in the period before 22 May, Thai people have consumed information from all forms of media. We must recognise that some media have chosen sides and some are neutral. The society and the general public became confused and filled with hostility, as each group chose only to listen to their own set of information. This included criticisms posted and shared in social media which attempted to cajole others to take sides.
  • There had also been widespread print media that is making Thai society more decadent, such as explicit pornographic material and publications that defamed the highest institution in the country which is illegally sold in many areas.
  • Therefore we all need to help in addressing this problem, from the NCPO, media associations, reporters, editors and media entrepreneurs to concerned government agencies.
  • In a world with fewer borders, news and information can be spread rapidly. When incorrect or inappropriate information and hate speeches are used, this could elicit pillory of Thailand in the eyes of foreigners. It may also have domestic impact in which conflicts are never-ending. This can negatively affect the mind of our youth – the future of this country.
  • If we let this go on, social rifts will deepen. Instances of younger people disrespecting their elders and rival groups pitting offensive remarks against each other will make society lose trust and confidence in each other on all levels. Finding peace would not be easy. Good people who were vilified are disheartened in performing their duties.
  • I once again appeal to all those involved with the media, including the press, publishing houses and editors, to set standards and develop measures to control contents of the media that each of you are responsible for and to help in providing correct and factual information to the public. Should any media continue to provide false information or information that is damaging to the country, then you will have to be accountable for the media under your responsibility.
  • The NCPO has no intention of using its power to restrict rights or freedoms of the media. All along, we have allowed and given freedom to present information, some would even say too much. Everyone has been able to criticize anyone. These comments are often not verified and resulted in misunderstanding in society. I ask you to sympathize with individuals who have been defamed. What can they do or will they have an opportunity to defend themselves. If we are too quick in concluding that certain individuals are good or bad without factual proof, then it will lead to rising tensions in society.
  • I once again ask for your understanding that at this moment, we need peace and order for the NCPO to resolve our problems. All of you know what the real problems are. The NCPO is tackling most of the issues head-on while others are in the process. As for the 3-stage roadmap, I have referred to it many times before. Still, there are comments and criticisms from analysts, writers and academics about whether the roadmap will be achieved. Sometimes I feel a bit slighted. I am not sure whether you have heard me or listened to the information that we have sent out. However, we are aware of your concerns and good intentions for the country. We ask that you hear us out as we try to inform you of our work progress. We had already clarified a lot. If you make comments without taking into account our clarifications, then it will fail to be constructive. Instead, it would be destructive even though we have not done anything yet or the work is still ongoing. So I appeal to you again.
  • Of course I am not referring to all individuals or media but only to a very small fraction. Today we cannot work solely on the basis of experience. We have to learn from each other.
  • As for community radio stations, we are trying to allow you back on air. The reopening involves many steps. Stations are gradually reopening. For those unable to do so at the moment, it is due to noncompliance with the laws. Please understand that all legal requirements will have to be fulfilled before the station can be reopened.


  1. Economy:

  • Today we have stimulated the economy. The Bank of Thailand has assessed that Thailand’s economy will grow by 1.5% this year. However, we will push for a growth rate of over 2% with the following measures.
  • Stimulate the grass-roots economy by having various banks such as the Government Savings Bank, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, and the SME Development Bank to consider various projects so that people can borrow to invest.

  • Stimulate higher volume of exports through such measures as maintaining a stable Thai baht without overly appreciating.

  • Stimulate and promote tourism via various channels by enticing more visitors to Thailand in order to invigorate the service sectors, restaurants and commercial retail.


  1. Annual Budget Expenditure:

  • An inspection of the fiscal year 2014Budget has revealed that around 50 billion baht have not been allocated to any specific plan or project by the various ministries. The NCPO will review project plans of each ministry and anything that is redundant or urgent will be adjusted accordingly to render support to other programs that are still incomplete or are in more urgent need of financial support.
  • On the matter of national water management, we intend to use the unallocated funds mentioned earlier to increase funding for all relevant ministries by 10 billion baht to implement urgent projects in 2014 and into fiscal year 2015. Other areas such as basic utilities, infrastructure and energy will be given priority. We expect to approve funding for some of these project plans.
  • We have disbursed budget up to the last quarter. If the budget is not used up by the end of the fiscal year and projects are still pending, it will be carried forward to the 2015 Budget. This will ensure continuity and will proceed in an integrated manner.
  • The approval of projects and plans worth more than 100 million, 1 billion or 10 billion baht, some of which have already been approved by the NCPO, was done within the Cabinet framework, which the NCPO is currently acting on behalf of. A few modifications were made to those projects and plans which were problematic and pending from the previous government so that they are truly beneficial to the people.


  1. The NCPO Budget Expenditures:

  • The main expenditures are for the allowances of officials – civilian, police and military – and some operational expenses.
  • With regard to armaments procurement by the defense forces, this will proceed based on previously approved plans and budgets, and be accounted for in the annual budgets as usual.


  1. The Reform in Phase 1 and 2:

  • We are currently in the preparation phase in which the NCPO facilitates all groups and parties to express opinions, provide information and discuss amongst themselves. However, no conclusion will be drawn at this point.
  • In Phase 2, when the Government is formed, the Reform Council will subsequently be established. The procedure is to recruit relevant individuals including stakeholders, political groups, conflicting parties, scholars, educators, people from energy, economic, and social sectors, various associations, and representatives from each province. It will be inclusive as shall be stipulated in the provisional constitution.


  1. Civil Service System:

  • In the past, the civil service system had been greatly damaged. I do not want the general public to reproach officials or public servants at the operational level. The responsibility should fall on executives or heads of the organisations for failing to oversee and ensure that their operations conform to rules and regulations.
  • The NCPO has examined this matter and it is for the scrutiny process to prove right-or-wrong. In the past, it may be due to restrictions imposed by codes of conduct of their agencies which officials have to comply.
  • As already mentioned, we must prevent this from happening again. Hence, we need to reform the system reform. Right-or-wrongdoers will be determined in the course of law.
  • As head of an agency, as Army Chief and now Head of NCPO, I myself have a responsibility. Although I have already delegated tasks and powers to others but I cannot shirk my responsibility. I still have to perform my duties, supervise, and provide morale for all officials. There will be no progress and the work will be inefficient if I only work from my office and just follow standing operating procedures. So one must look after subordinates well by applying a carrot-and-stick approach in rewarding good people and punishing those who have done wrong. My principle is that superiors have to look after their subordinates, not the opposite.
  • The interplay between political office holders and civil servants in the administrative system has to be reformed in many aspects such as structural, personnel, quality, honesty, as well as modalities of collaboration, duty, obligation, initiatives, achievements and performance evaluation.
  • We must recognize that good people outnumber the bad. We need to employ good people. But if they cannot perform, replacements will be made until we find a good person of genuine integrity.
  • The transfer of top level civil servants was done under the authority of the NCPO, as we do not yet have a Cabinet. This is according to suitability. As for the transfer of lower level civil servants, it falls under the authority of permanent secretaries and heads of departments, and is treated as an internal issue.
  • In reassigning officials, it is not the intention of the NCPO to carry on power or shift interest groups. The NCPO strives to resolve the issues of conflict of interests and corruption. Thus, it is difficult to find individuals who were not involved in any way in working with previous administrations. This is because they are carrying out their duties according to the rules and regulations and SOPs of their respective organisations. However, if the new appointees underperform they can be replaced at any time.
  • The operation of all agencies and organisations must be integrated according to a chain of command, involving commanding officers, colleagues and subordinates. The accomplishments will be for the benefit of the general public. If the system is set up properly, everything will run smoothly. A decent organisation should exhibit attributes such as taking initiatives, promptness, prudence, and the people should possess virtues and morality.
  • The NCPO affirms that we will endeavour to form a strong bureaucratic system and personnel so that they are good civil servants of His Majesty the King.


  1. Personnel Development – Preparing for the Future of Thailand:

  • My principle is for the state to look after people of all ages – be they children, youths, adolescents, adults, and elderly people, in an equal and comprehensive manner.
  • We need to formulate plans and preparations, create a systematic thought process, be rational, putting the country before ourselves, create a sense of conscience and ideology of nationalism. Youths should be taught lessons in Thai history, customs and tradition. We could move forward in line with the contemporary world without destroying our rich past.
  • I have been informed that certain community radio stations do not broadcast the Thai national anthem or Thai Royal Anthem. I have instructed relevant agencies to monitor and investigate on this matter. I ask that they do not repeat such violations as the radio stations may be suspended from broadcasting for not respecting social norms.


  1. Education:

  • On education, knowledge can be obtained through various channels such as academic institutions, self-study and other sources.
  • I believe that parents, teachers and children should develop close relationships. I would like to stress that studying in schools must form the main part of learning instead of special tutorial classes outside school. This will lessen the burden of parents from the already high school expenses. If students attend special tutorial classes their work load will increase twofold. The parents will have to spend more money and undermine our education system. I will instruct the Education Ministry to overhaul the system. So we have to build a sense of goodwill and respect between parents, teachers and students. They should adjust themselves to better understand each other. Adults must further broaden their horizons by finding time to watch TV, read books and keep themselves updated with the local and international news. Otherwise, they will only focus on themselves, and forget other people and their nation. They will not be able to think for themselves. Sometimes, adopting some good Western values can help save us time. We just try to apply them so that it is beneficial to our situation. However, most importantly, everyone must not focus solely on themselves; by taking into account their competency, status and stature in the community.
  • Privileged people with opportunities must think hard on how they can contribute to their nation.
  • People with low income and fewer opportunities should also start thinking and participate in society. One cannot remain a recipient all our life. One must be ready to give and receive.
  • Emphasis is also given to bringing technology in distance education via satellite and the internet which the His Majesty the King has already initiated to education institutions in rural and remote areas. This will help to improve teachers and educational personnel to gain equitable standards both at the central and provincial levels.


  1. Restructuring of state enterprises:

  • On the restructuring of state enterprises, I am fully aware that the public is very much interested in the issue. As for the changes in board members of various state enterprises, please give time for the new members to work things out. If they do not perform well, we will replace them. It is difficult finding people who had not worked under past administrations. Therefore if we select incapable and inexperienced people to sit on the boards, it will only make things worse. It is of utmost importance that we have control over the board members to induce them to comply with the rules and regulations, not seek benefits and not amass wealth for themselves and their cronies while the public gains nothing.
  • The NCPO has tried to encourage the small number of bad people to turn over a new leaf so that they can contribute to society. We cannot just remove all those people that we dislike from the boards.


  1. The Setup of Super Board:

  • The objective of setting up the Super Board is to formulate policies and measures for exercising tougher control over various state enterprise boards. There is no intention to cause damage to business operations or to accumulate benefits for NCPO. We want to adopt transparency measures and provide equal benefits for the public and the nation. In the next phase, we will revise the system of determining clear proportions of benefit sharing among the state, stockholders and the public.
  • The restructuring of Thailand’s energy sector is a complex issue. Discussions are ongoing to find measures to lessen the hardship of consumers. However, we need to listen to ideas from all sectors and make adjustments based on principles, rationale and accurate information so that they are acceptable and appropriate to all. The public and the nation should receive real benefits from the energy sector. Currently, NCPO is considering a temporary measure of energy pricing before the restructuring of the whole system in the next phase.


  1. Tackling Problems of Corruption:

  • Currently, the corruption scrutiny process has been carried out over the past 1 month by NCPO. Any work plans/projects of governmental agencies that are found suspicious or have sound evidence of the wrongdoing, the cases will be expedited. Currently we are in the selection process of members of the State Audit Commission, to be completed within 60 days. The Commission will examine any projects deemed to be problematic.
  • As for the rice-pledging scheme, we have started inspections and found that at least 80,000 – 90,000 sacks of rice worth about 60-70 million baht were missing from the rice mills. The 100 inspection teams set up by the NCPO will inspect rice mills nationwide in conjunction with auditing past accounts before May 22 for their accuracy.


  1. Progress on the issue of war-grade weapons:

  • The police/military officers have continuously carried out their operations and have made a number of seizures. The investigations revealed linkages to people from past to present including the reported model in some provinces and other areas.
  • There were criticisms in the social media that the officers have brought in confiscated weapons as evidence in showcasing new arrests. I reaffirm that this is not the case. Please be assured that all seized weapons were the results of the investigations on those arrested.
  • We will soon issue additional arrest warrants. A summary update which includes information on the number of suspects, the quantity of war-grade weapons, as well as the movements involved, will be provided periodically.


  1. The Holy Fasting of the Thai Muslims:

  • During Ramadan, I would like to once again extend my best wishes to all Thai Muslims who observe the holy fasting according to the Islamic principles and wish you great achievement as planned. I wish to ask all Thai Muslims in the Southern Border Provinces and elsewhere to help restore sustainable peace and happiness in the Southern areas.
  • The NCPO has a policy to support all Muslims in Thailand to observe and practice Islamic principles and teachings. The NCPO eased restrictions on some community radio stations in the Southern Border Provinces and allowed them to temporarily broadcast in order to explain the correct practice of the Muslims and disseminate information during this fasting period. A traditional reception on behalf of the government will be held as usual in late July.


  1. Tackling problems in the Deep South:

  • At present, the NCPO has made organizational restructuring to create harmonization and integration between relevant agencies in 3 levels.
  • On the policy level, the Head of the NCPO, as Director General of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) and the highest-level official, will be advised by the Office of the National Security Council on issues relating to existing policies and future policy making.
  • On the level of policy implementation, a committee shall be set up to drive forward the process of tackling problems in the Deep South and integrate the related works from relevant agencies and existing mechanisms and management systems. Members of the committee will include representatives from the Southern Border Provinces Development Strategy Committee, the Committee on Policy and Strategy Implementation for Solving Problems regarding Southern Border Provinces, the ISOC, and the Southern Border Province Administration Center (SBPAC). The Deputy Commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Army shall be the committee’s Chairman; the Secretary General of the National Security Council shall be the committee’s Secretary General; and the Secretaries General of the ISOC and the SBPAC shall be the assistants to the committee’s Secretary General. Plans and projects of all the relevant agencies and governmental units involved with security and development work will be integrated. Also, the works of all governmental agencies will be integrated to ensure continuity.

  • On the operational level, ISOC Region 4 will be the agency responsible for implementation and pushing forward the works of all governmental units and agencies and overseeing the overall situation in the relevant areas, to ensure the integration and consistency of the relevant plans and projects, as well as addressing the needs of the people in the area. This is to be done by managing and overseeing the operations of the relevant provinces, as well as the ISOC divisions for those provinces, police and military forces, and governmental units of various ministries in the area.

  • The establishment of the committee to drive forward the process of tackling problems in the Deep South, as mentioned, is merely to ensure the efficient integration of the plans and budgets of the ministries, the SBPAC, and the ISOC. Each agency remains independent in conducting their work, except in the area of policy. The NCPO wishes to apply political approach before military means, consider the needs of the people as a basis of operations, and ensure that the allocated budget truly reach the people.

  • On the peace talks, the NCPO is still working on the process which must be in accordance with constitutional principles and Thai laws. Case studies from foreign countries will also be considered. In relation to this, Malaysia will remain as the facilitator for high-level discussions.

  • I affirm that improvements will be made based on the approval received from the cooperation of all parties concerned.

  • While Malaysia is applying the “Win Heart and Mind” approach, our strategy remains the one initiated by His Majesty the King —“Understanding, Reaching Out, and Developing”. We will proceed with this approach with mutual respect and in accordance with Thai laws.


  1. Key developments of the NCPO operation:

  • The approval of the work plans/projects for the expenditures of the fiscal year 2014 Budget was successfully finalized, rendering benefits to the country and resolving the people’s grievances as a priority.
  • We are working on the tracing and prosecution of the armed movements as well as cases involving encroachment of forests, natural resources, and the environment.
  • The preparation to enter the second phase with a government in place are as follows:
  • The reforms of several segments: energy, education, civil service system, law, combating corruption, infrastructure, and economy, etc.
  • We are making progress on the vetting of the draft provisional constitution, the establishment of the National Legislative Assembly, the formation of the government and the establishment of the National Reform Council. In September we will enter the second phase of the roadmap whereby the provisional agenda is to be submitted for Royal Endorsement. Subsequently the Legislative Assembly will be formed.


  1. Other matters:

- As for a matter of concern for civil servants pertaining to the Government Pension Fund, the NCPO will issue the policy order to implement it as an Act to be considered by the National Legislative Assembly as a priority agenda in due course.

- As for the completion of the duty of Provisional Administrative Organization, Sub-district Administration, Municipality, and Bangkok Metropolitan Council, the NCPO is considering the guideline of appropriate selection process and may appoint the selection committee to replace both Bangkok Metropolitan Council and Provincial Administration.

- Civil society will be encouraged to support reconciliation at community level together with the Village Health Volunteers, Social Development and Human Security Volunteers, volunteer teachers, etc. The Governor and representative of ministries in each province will be urged to establish people networks on the level of district and sub-district to integrate with reconciliation network founded by the NCPO. There may also be another private development organisation to take part in this matter.

- As for creating understanding with foreign countries, NCPO is sending a delegation from business, private and public sectors to visit foreign countries to enhance better understanding alongside the continuous operation of governmental sector, starting from Asia region.


- I would like to ask all of you to follow NCPO daily news release on television, radio, publications, websites, and so on. The Thailand Moves Forward Programme, on air every evening, will keep you abreast of all the progress by concerned officials as well as the Return Happiness to the People Programme with me every Friday.

- May I encourage you to pay attention to the documentary and educational programmes, both international and local. Some of us do not know our own country that well. We should visit places inside and outside the country so as to apply the knowledge gained to develop our country to become more pleasant, to attract international tourists and to develop the vision of Thai people of all ages.

- As for the issue of overpriced lottery, presently the NCPO can only ask for cooperation from the current operators. At the same time, we are trying to regulate those lotteries which are not under the system so as to increase the quota. Today there are two aspects to this issue. One is to sell the lotteries at certain locations for 80 baht a piece. The second aspect is to operate under the same market mechanism while appealing operators to retail at not higher than 90 baht per lottery. This is because the existing contract is still in force. We will not extend the contract upon expiry. Measures will have to be formulated so that lottery sellers can eke out their livelihood without much hardship. I follow the news everyday so I very well understand and sympathize with them. I would like to assure and guarantee that the NCPO will never get involved in any interests of the Government Lottery Office even a single baht.

- Therefore any citing of the order of the NCPO to perform work must be cross-checked. Many have claimed that they have instructions from me or someone in NCPO. I have declared that I will not be involved in these matters. Please verify with us. We do not want to cause hardship on anyone affected by such claims. The people have suffered for a long time by elements of society. How sustainable will our help be depends on the solving of problems in the second phase. If everyone cooperates there will be no problems. I ask those who are committing wrongdoing or have stopped doing so not to do it again. I also ask for your kind cooperation in monitoring the suspicious activities and do inform the NCPO for further action.

- The current concern of the country are the illegal activities, corruption, disrespect of the laws by government officials, the public and the influential groups which are quite a huge number. We do need to amend these behaviors promptly. We have to take a close look and monitor the situation. However, things must be done according to the law, social norms and rules and everyone must be given a fair chance to explain the truth. We should not make a judgment of what is right or wrong without any judicial process, otherwise the court, the independent organisations and the judicial agency will not be accountable and accepted in giving a verdict. This will cause deeper damage to the society.

- As for the international concern over the military intervention in Thailand, allow me to further elaborate as follows:

  • The military has taken control over national administration to end violence. There was a trend towards chaos, conflicting groups were using war-grade weapons in many areas and the economy was stalled. After 22 May 2014, we have seized caches of war- grade weapons and have investigated the networks.

  • The aim of inviting individuals with conflicting views and involved in the conflict to report themselves to the NCPO was for discussions. We did not call them in for incarceration nor did we indiscriminately use our powers against them. So I request cooperation from the mass media to understand this. If we did not invite them in, there is a chance of deepening rifts. It was a necessity depending on the severity of each case. I do not wish for any group to use this to instigate or falsify information to create hatred and division among fellow citizens. We have not interfered or violated the freedom of the media.

  • The NCPO has supported judicial process to end the conflict through the jurisdiction system on neutral basis without any distortion of the rules of law. The NCPO has a policy not to intervene in the judicial process to assist any particular group since the NCPO believes that this will cause further conflict in the future.

  • The NCPO and all Thai citizens uphold and have faith in democratic system with His Majesty the King as Head of the State. NCPO fully realizes that the military intervention may be perceived by the West as a threat to democratic system and against the liberty of the people. However, this military intervention is inevitable, in order to uphold national security and to strengthen democracy.

- On international affairs, the NCPO has continuously clarified our stance with the international community. In particular, on 1 July 2014, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Prime Minister Hun Sen. He was very well aware of the situation in Thailand and assured us of cooperation in dealing with the labour issue. Cambodia also released Mr. Veera Somkwamkid for return to Thailand. I wish to congratulate Mr. Veera on his release. On behalf of NCPO, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Prime Minister Hun Sen and utmost gratitude to His Majesty the King of Cambodia. I also thank the Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs for his endeavours.

- As for the issue of foreign labor, at present the Cambodian labour has gradually returned to Thailand. We will take good care of the foreign labour but they all have to register. The NCPO has established the registration center at Samutsakorn Province to reduce the steps and expenses. Next week, another one-stop service will be opened and they will also provide the service for the labour who works on fishing boats.


I have touched on many issues today. As fellow Thais, if we do not understand each other, then who will? Foreigners will surely not understand us. So today we must understand each other before others can have trust and understanding on us.

Thank you everyone once again. I wish you all a very pleasant weekend and safe travel. Thank you.





