Mr. VijavatIsarabhakdi, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand, attended the working group meeting of the Association of Thai Professional in America and Canada (ATPAC), organized in cooperation with the Office of Science and Technology, on 7 December 2013 at the Royal Thai Embassy.
At the meeting, Dr. NisaiWanakul, Acting President of ATPAC, and Dr. MethiWecharatana, Project Manager of Thailand-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperative Foundation (TUSCO), reported on ATPAC’s activities and plans in promoting education, science and technology cooperation between Thailand and the United States, including progress of work regarding the establishment of TUSCO. In this connection, Ambassador Vijavat complimented ATPAC for its work, which has, since its creation in 1991, contributed to enhancing development and progress in Thailand in the fields of education, science and technology, and which is in line with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s greater emphasis on science diplomacy. He also expressed support for the establishment of TUSCO.