Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UNESCAP jointly organised the Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Finance: Bridging the Gap in Asia and the Pacific.”

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UNESCAP jointly organised the Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Finance: Bridging the Gap in Asia and the Pacific.”

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 5 Oct 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 5 Oct 2023

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On 2 October 2023, the Department of International Economic Affairs and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) jointly organised the Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Finance: Bridging the Gap in Asia and the Pacific” at Vithes Samosorn, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Representatives from UNESCAP member countries were briefed about UNESCAP’s latest report on the issue and discussed, under the Chatham House Rule, about regional collaboration on sustainable finance as one of the enabling factors for achieving the SDGs.

Thailand attaches great importance to sustainable finance. At the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development, held on 20 September 2023 in New York during the High-level Week of the 78th Session of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78), the Prime Minister emphasized Thailand’s support for placing sustainable finance at the heart of the reform of international financial architecture, as well as called for the deepened collaboration among member states on digital technologies and tax matters to promote sustainable finance.

