The Mekong Cooperation Unit and the International Studies Center, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, co-organised the “ACMECS Forum: Reflecting the Past and Pondering the Future of ACMECS”

The Mekong Cooperation Unit and the International Studies Center, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, co-organised the “ACMECS Forum: Reflecting the Past and Pondering the Future of ACMECS”

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 2 Oct 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 2 Oct 2023

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On 26 September 2023, the Mekong Cooperation Unit and the International Studies Center, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, co-organised the “ACMECS Forum: Reflecting the Past and Pondering the Future of ACMECS” in a hybrid format at the International Studies Center (ISC) on the occasion of the the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Ayeyawady - Chao Phraya - Mekong Economic Strategy (ACMECS), which was initiated by Thailand in 2003 to promote sustainable development and economic growth along the borders, facilitate trade, and narrow the development gaps among ACMECS Member Countries, namely, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam.

The Forum was moderated by Dr. Anuson Chinvanno, Director of International Studies Center (ISC), and attended by more than 30 representatives from the Embassies of ACMECS Member Countries in Thailand and Thai Embassies in ACMECS Member Countries, as well relevant agencies.

The Forum was divided into two sessions. The first session exchanged views on the role and cooperation in ACMECS since its founding 20 years ago. The panelists compose of Ms. Sun Monika, Deputy Director, Mekong Centre for Strategic Studies, Asian Vision Institute from Cambodia, Ms. Laddavanh Sengsourivong, Deputy Director of ASEAN – ISIS and International Cooperation Division, Institute of Foreign Affairs from Lao PDR, U L Zau Goone, Senior Advisory Board Member, Myanmar Institute of Strategic International Studies from Myanmar, Dr. Mukda Pratheepwatanawong, Researcher, Mekong Studies Centre, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, and Mr. Tu Anh Tuan, Fellow Researcher, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, from Viet Nam.

The second session discussed future directions of ACMECS. The panelists comprised Mr. Ton Linasopharith, Program Coordinator, Mekong Centre for Strategic Studies, Asian Vision Institute from Cambodia; Mr. Somphay Vongmahachack, Director of Human Resource Development Division, Institute of Foreign Affairs from Lao PDR, U Tun Myint, Senior Advisory Board Member, Myanmar Institute of Strategic International Studies from Myanmar, Dr. Arm Tungnirun, Director of Chinese Studies Center, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, and Mr. Tu Anh Tuan, Fellow Researcher, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam from Viet Nam.

The panelists and participants shared the view that ACMECS is still relevant to the social and economic development of the Mekong sub-region, particularly in narrowing the development gaps among the Member Countries. Nonetheless, ACMECS should place more emphasis on issues that are of importance to the Mekong countries in the present context; namely, climate change which also impacts on food, energy and health security, and technological disruptions. ACMECS should also raise public awareness about its entity and synchronize cooperation with relevant sectors in the sub-region.

The outcome of this Forum will be a useful input in the formulation of policy recommendations on steering ACMECS towards the future and drafting the new ACMECS Master Plan (2024 - 2028) in order for ACMECS to serve as a mechanism in promoting and synergizing cooperation for sustainable development in the Mekong sub-region.

