Ambassador of Thailand to Norway held Buddhist religious ceremony to the two Thai tourists who sadly passed away on scene at the car accident

Ambassador of Thailand to Norway held Buddhist religious ceremony to the two Thai tourists who sadly passed away on scene at the car accident

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 20 Oct 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 20 Oct 2023

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On 18 October 2023, H.E. Ms. Vimolbajra Ruksakiati, Ambassador of Thailand to Norway, along with Ms. Bheraya Homkosol, Counsellor and Head of Consular Section went to Ål Municipality where the Buddhist religious ceremony was performed dedicating to the two persons, who sadly passed away on scene at the car accident involving 11 Thai tourists on Highway No. 7 from Geilo to Oslo on 11 October 2023. The ceremony was a personal request from Mr. Auttaphol Chongchokdee, the relative of the deceased and who was also affected by the accident. The religious ceremony was conducted by monks from Wat Thai Norway, led by Phra Vimolsasanavides, the Chief Abot of Wat Thai Norway, and President of the Union of Thai Sanghas in Europe.
On this occasion, Ambassador Vimolbajra expressed her deepest appreciation to Mr. Pål Kasper Mikkelrud, Politikontakt, and Mr. Bård M. Ambjørndalen, Investigator, also members of the Hallingdal politistasjonsdistrilt, including Mr. Stein Smestad, Police superindentent, Mr. Jonathan V. F. Watson, Police officer, Ms. Nora Haglund, Policestudent, and all the officers, medical and rescuers involved in helping Thai tourists in their tragic car accident in Ål Municipality.
The Royal Thai Embassy, and on behalf of the Thai community in Norway, are very grateful for the Norwegian Police authorities in the Hallingdal politistasjonsdistril for facilitating and accommodating the personal request by family of the victims for the Chief Abbot and monks from Wat Thai Norway to perform this religious ceremony. We are deeply touched how the Norwegian Police authorities are caring and sensitive to the feelings of the victims and their family.
In this regard, the Royal Thai Embassy would also like to express our deepest appreciation to the doctors, nurses, and officers of the Ullevål Sykehus Oslo in helping the family of the victims. It is gratifying to learn that everyone in this family is being well provided with medical and treatment.
In this moment of sorrow, the Embassy would like to, once again, express our deepest sympathy and condolences to each member of the family affected by this tragic incident. We hope that they will regain their strength both physically and spiritually soon. The Embassy is committed to provide every necessary assistances that they may need during this healing process.
Note: Content and photos in this post have been given a consent by members of the family affected in the accident.

