Ambassador of Thailand to Norway attended the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Thai Women’s Association in Norway

Ambassador of Thailand to Norway attended the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Thai Women’s Association in Norway

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Aug 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 24 Aug 2023

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On 19 August 2023, H.E. Ms. Vimolbajra Ruksakiati, Ambassador of Thailand to Norway, along with the Embassy’s officials, attended the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Thai Women’s Association in Norway (Den Thailandske Kvinneforening) at Røde Kors konferansesenter. Ambassador Vimolbajra was greeted by Ms. Shantana Srivipa Berg, President of Thai Women’s Association in Norway, and members of the Association. The event includes Thai classical music and performances, Thai silk fashion show and auction of Thai silk, and Thai cuisine. Dr. Usman Mushtaq (Labour Party) Vice Major for Employment, Integration and Social services, City of Oslo, H.E. Mr. Olav Myklebust, Ambassador of Norway to the United Arab Emirates, and his wife Mrs. Chuleeporn Thupsakun, and Mr. Egil Lothe, Secretary General of the Buddhist Federation in Norway, were among the invited guests. Thai community in Norway of about 180 people joined the event.
Ambassador Vimolbajra delivered her opening remarks congratulating on the 15th Anniversary of the Thai Women’s Association in Norway which has played an important role in actively supporting Thai women and Thai community in Norway. She said that the Association has always worked in close partnership with the Thai Embassy, which can be regarded as an extension of the Embassy in reaching out to support Thai community throughout Norway. Such activities include providing legal training courses on Norwegian family laws for Thai community in Stavanger, Ålesund, Kirkenes and Kristiansand, in conjunction with the Embassy’s mobile consular services in those cities.
Most outstanding is the project to elevate the standard of Thai massage in Norway, an initiative by the Association with the close support of the Thai Embassy. It is a women empowerment project which is constructive, inclusive and workable. Ambassador Vimolbajra said that hopefully our Norwegian friends will continue to fully support and be engaged in this project. After all, these efforts will mutually benefit both Thais and Norwegians alike. She is confident that by coming together we can make positive changes and make a difference.
Ambassador Vimolbajra has reaffirmed that the Embassy will continue to fully support and work closely with the Association in the years to come. She expressed best wishes that the Association will be very successful in the future endeavors.
The Thai Women’s Association in Norway was founded in 2008 to provide information, advice, and assistance to Thai women and Thai community in Norway such as in contacting government agencies, providing legal advice, and seeking assistances from the authorities concerned for women in case of domestic abuse. The Association also aims to contribute to the promotion of Thai culture and cultural heritage. The Thai Women’s Association in Norway currently has approximately 700 members.

