Ambassador of Thailand to Malaysia attended the Opening Ceremony and visited Thai language booth at the FLL Fiesta 2024, University of Malaya

Ambassador of Thailand to Malaysia attended the Opening Ceremony and visited Thai language booth at the FLL Fiesta 2024, University of Malaya

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 24 Jun 2024

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On 13 June 2024, H.E. Ms. Lada Phumas, Ambassador of Thailand to Malaysia, was invited to the opening ceremony of the FLL Fiesta 2024, organised by the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics (FLL), University of Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur. The ceremony was presided over by Prof. Dr. Yvonne Lim Ai Lian, Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) of UM, whereby Prof. Dr. Surinderpal Kaur A/P Chanan Singh, Dean of the FLL, Ambassadors of Spain, Argentina, and Peru to Malaysia, representatives from the Embassy of Cuba, Brazil, Chile, Viet Nam, and Italy, the university executives, as well as over 400 students were also present.
Ambassador exchanged views with the executives of UM, particularly on education cooperation with the Embassy and Thai universities. At the Thai language booth, the Ambassador was welcomed by Ms. Rosenun Chesof and Ms. Benjaphron Onthong, lecturers from the Asian and European Department at FLL, along with Malaysian and foreign students from Thai language courses. During the interaction with Thai students at UM, the Ambassador invited the students to participate in the Embassy’s education, economic and cultural activities, and expressed the Embassy’s commitment to strengthening cooperation on education with Malaysia, as well as supporting Thai students in Malaysia.
FLL Fiesta 2024 was held for the second time to provide a platform for Malaysian and foreign students to exchange knowledge and find common ground in society based on respecting differences and opening up to language and cultural diversity. UM is determined to promote unity in diversity, academic excellence, and a sense of community through cooperation on education with relevant stakeholders under the theme “communicating across borders”.

