Outcomes of the Prime Minister’s official visit to Japan on 26-27 May 2022

Outcomes of the Prime Minister’s official visit to Japan on 26-27 May 2022

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 6 Jun 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 6 Jun 2022

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On 26-27 May 2022, H.E. General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister of Thailand, paid an official visit to Japan to attend the 27th International Conference on the Future of Asia (Nikkei Forum). The delegation comprised the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, Minister of Finance, Secretary-General of the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council, as well as high-level officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Secretariat of the Prime Minister. The outcomes of the visit include the followings:

1. The 27th International Conference on the Future of Asia (Nikkei Forum) (26 May 2022)

The Prime Minister delivered a keynote speech under the theme of “Redefining Asia’s role in a divided world,” highlighting the importance of resilience, sustainability, and inclusiveness in Asia amidst the current challenges and disruption across the region and the world. Furthermore, economic recovery must be implemented in parallel with efforts to balance all things and achieve sustainability. In this regard, Prime Minister Prayut proposed three points, which Asia can do collectively to transcend current challenges, namely: (1) regenerating economic growth, (2) supporting the multilateralism as no single country can tackle current challenges alone, and (3) promoting economic recovery in complement with sustainability. Thailand’s BCG concept can help to support this approach. The English translation of the keynote speech is attached.

2. Bilateral meeting between Prime Minister of Thailand and H.E. Mr. Kishida Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan at the Prime Minister's Office (26 May 2022)

Prime Minister Prayut reiterated Thailand’s proposal to elevate Thailand - Japan relations to a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership”, so as to reflect the developments in the close and comprehensive relations between Thailand and Japan and issues of cooperation in the future. Both Prime Ministers agreed to implement the Five-Year Joint Action Plan on Japan-Thailand Strategic Economic Partnership to serve as a guideline for future economic cooperation between the two countries.

Prime Minister Prayut also welcomed interested Japanese companies to invest in the targeted industries for the future in Thailand in such areas as electric vehicles (EV), chemicals, BCG economy, medical, digital and smart agriculture industries, as well as to participate in the infrastructure development projects in the EEC, such as U-Tapao Airport and the High-Speed Railway linking three airports. On this part, Prime Minister Kishida expressed Japan’s readiness to support these projects. Furthermore, Prime Minister Prayut expressed Thailand’s readiness to work with Japan to create a decarbonised society under Japan’s “Asia Zero-Emissions Community” concept.

On people-to-people cooperation, Prime Minister Prayut welcomed Japan’s consideration on Thailand’s proposal to expand the number of KOSEN institutes and establish the KOSEN Education Center in Thailand as a hub for human resources development in the Mekong sub-region and ASEAN. Moreover, Prime Minister Prayut expressed appreciation to the government of Japan for choosing Thailand as one of the four targeted countries in the temporary scheme to allow small groups of tourists to enter Japan, in addition to business travelers, students, and skilled labour from Thailand who were permitted to enter Japan earlier. The Thai Prime Minister also extended invitation to Japanese people to travel to Thailand.

On regional and multilateral cooperation, Prime Minister Prayut informed the Japanese side of ASEAN’s decision to select Thailand as the location for establishing the Secretariat of the ASEAN Centre for Public Health Emergencies and Emerging Diseases (ACPHEED) and the facility in the field of response and risk management. Prime Minister Kishida reaffirmed the support to ASEAN’s decision and Thailand’s hosting of APEC this year. The two Prime Ministers also exchanged views on cooperation under Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), as well as on the situation in Myanmar and the situation in Ukraine, regarding which both leaders reiterated the importance on rendering humanitarian assistance for civilians in these two countries.

3. Meeting with the key private sector and financial institution of Japan (27 May 2022)

Prime Minister Prayut had a meeting with Mr. Tokura Masakazu, Chairman of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), and Mr. Suzuki Yoshihisa, Chairman of the Japan – Thailand Trade and Economic Committee under Keidanren. Both sides shared the view on enhancing economic relations through cooperation in technology, industry, and human resources development to attract investment from Japan in new and value-added industries for the future. Prime Minister Prayut also urged Japanese companies to increase their investment in Thailand to diversify the supply chain network and connect to Thailand’s neighbouring countries, while the Chairman of Keidanren reaffirmed the importance of Thailand as an important production base of Japan in ASEAN and informed the Prime Minister of the plan by the Japan – Thailand Trade and Economic Committee under Keidanren to lead around 70 member companies to visit Thailand either at the end of this year or the beginning of 2023 to meet with Thai private sector.

Prime Minister Prayut also had a meeting with Mr. Maeda Tadashi, Governor of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). They discussed JBIC’s support for the sustainability-related projects and the high-speed railway linking three airports with the EEC to serve as an example of a successful trilateral cooperation among Thailand, China, and Japan and enhance Thailand’s capacity as a base for Japan’s investment in ASEAN.

4. Study visit to Haneda Innovation City (27 May 2022)

Prime Minister Prayut visited Haneda Innovation City (HI City) to exchange experiences and best practices on the organization of smart cities projects under Japan’s national policy. HI City features research and development centres on advanced technology in the fields of smart transportation and logistics, smart robotics technology, medical technology, and hydrogen refueling stations, as well as modern commercial shops, hotels, offices, and convention centres.



