Joint Press Release: Thailand and Argentina engaged in fruitful discussions at the Fifth Political Consultations and Bilateral Economic Consultation in Bangkok

Joint Press Release: Thailand and Argentina engaged in fruitful discussions at the Fifth Political Consultations and Bilateral Economic Consultation in Bangkok

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 11 May 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 11 May 2023

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On 27 April 2023, Thailand hosted the Fifth Political Consultations (PC) and Bilateral Economic Consultation (BEC) between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Argentine Republic at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand in Bangkok. H.E. Ms. Busadee Santipitaks, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, co-chaired the PC and BEC meetings, together with H.E. Ambassador Claudio Javier Rozencwaig, Undersecretary for Foreign Policy, and H.E. Ambassador Ramiro Isidoro Ordoqui, Undersecretary for Multilateral and Bilateral Economic Negotiations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic.

The PC and BEC provided the opportunity for both sides to take stock of existing ties of friendship and discuss future collaboration. Both sides agreed to deepen priority areas of cooperation, such as trade, investment, technical cooperation, agriculture, science and technology, as well as sports. Other areas for future cooperation discussed, including Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) or green economy transition, renewable energy and climate change mitigation, also proved critical to achieving sustainable development goals..

During the Political Consultations, the two sides discussed possible activities to commemorate the Seventieth Anniversary of the establishment of Thai-Argentine diplomatic relations in 2025. These range from the exchanges of high-level visits and congratulatory messages to organising the Sixth PC and BEC in Buenos Aires, as well as the promotion of cultural and other activities in both countries.

The two sides also exchanged views on key developments and opportunities for cooperation, and further agreed to advance technical cooperation, including initiatives under South-South cooperation frameworks, namely projects on forensic anthropology, sustainable soybean production and utilisation, as well as sugar cane ethanol.

Thailand encouraged Argentine officers to continue to participate in the Annual International Training Courses (AITCs), while Argentina stressed the importance of Programa Sur grants which promoted the translation of Argentine literary works into foreign languages. Other fields of cooperation include culture, creative economy, and exchanges of coaches and professionals in popular sports, including Football, Muay Thai and Sepak Takraw. Joint work in science and technology that mutually benefitted both sides was considered of utmost relevance, comprising nuclear energy for peaceful uses and space industry and innovation. The issues of gender rights and legislation were also discussed.

Moreover, both sides exchanged views on cooperative agreements and expressed their commitments to addressing regional and multilateral issues, particularly under the frameworks of the United Nations, ASEAN, FEALAC and MERCOSUR, as well as to resorting to peaceful resolution to the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands sovereignty dispute.

During the Bilateral Economic Consultations, the two sides discussed current economic situations and opportunities for expanding bilateral trade, agricultural cooperation, and future two-way investment. They see great potential in public-private partnerships and joint ventures leveraging complementary strengths in renewable energy, sustainable mining, and biotechnology, to name a few. In order to increase bilateral trade volume, both sides would facilitate pending negotiations on market access for agricultural and animal products. Argentina’s enormous sources of lithium have a crucial role to play in the development of lithium-ion batteries and electric vehicles production facilities, as well as other new S-curve industries in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) in Thailand.

In addition, with a view to enhancing regional prosperity and stability, Thailand and Argentina reiterated their determination to partner closely under regional economic frameworks to further galvanise their multilateral economic cooperation in the ASEAN-MERCOSUR dialogue, APEC, G20 and RCEP, as well as IPEF, among others, in all areas of mutual interest.

Against the backdrop of post-pandemic global challenges, the Fifth PC and BEC mechanisms fortified the bonds of friendship between Thailand and Argentina, engendering fruitful multi-dimensional collaboration at both bilateral and multilateral levels. The two countries are, furthermore, like-minded partners in the fight against climate change and in the advancement of inclusive and ecologically sustainable development in line with the BCG or green economy model.