His Majesty the King granted a Royal Audience to Thai Ambassadors and Consuls-General 24 November 2023

His Majesty the King granted a Royal Audience to Thai Ambassadors and Consuls-General 24 November 2023

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 26 Nov 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2023

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On 24 November 2023 at 18.17 - 19.00 hrs., His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua graciously granted royal permission to Mr. Jakkapong Sangmanee, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, to lead Thai Ambassadors and Consuls-General to an audience with Their Majesties the King and Queen at Dusidalai Hall, Chitralada Villa. The Ambassadors and Consuls-General gathered in Bangkok for the 2023 Meeting of Thai Ambassadors and Consuls-General held during 20 - 24 November 2023.

During the Royal Audience, His Majesty the King conferred royal guidance to the Thai Ambassadors and Consuls-General. The gist is as follows:

First, it is very commendable of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to organise such a meeting among those representing Thailand, the Thai government and the Thai people, both at home and abroad, to provide the opportunity to exchange views, report on situations and share observations among colleagues to reach common solutions and decisions in discharging their duties more effectively in representing the country and protecting national interests.

Second, in a changing global situation and multipolar world, Ambassadors and Consuls-General should understand and take into account of Thai culture, values, identity and national interests as well as the positioning of Thailand with a view to maintaining friendly relations with other countries or protect the people’s interests.

Third, diplomats must accurately present the situation in Thailand by understanding the present and future situation of the country for the contentment of the people. Diplomats must also understand about the situation in each country and region and ways to exist together while preserving national interests and protecting Thais living overseas, as well as protect the country’s reputation, honour and truth. Diplomats must pay attention to developments and keep abreast of the situations, as well as know their duties. The conduct of diplomacy is not an easy task as it requires understanding of other countries and of our own national and government policies, the needs and values of the people, while being mindful of the positioning and policies of the country.

On this occasion, His Majesty bestowed well wishes to the Thai Ambassadors and Consuls-General for a safe return to their respective postings and in peforming their duties with a peace of mind, good luck as well as clarity of wisdom and thought.

After the conferment of royal guidance, His Majesty graciously granted permission to the Thai Ambassadors to the United Kingdom, Australia, Cambodia and Germany, respectively, to humbly enquire as follows:

The Thai Ambassador to the United Kingdom humbly sought the permission of His Majesty in granting a message to the Thai community overseas. His Majesty graciously replied that he would like to convey his love, thought and care for the Thai people living abroad and expressed delight in learning of their maintaining of Thainess, national pride and patriotism.

The Thai Ambassador to Australia humbly sought the permission of His Majesty in sharing experience while studying in Australia, particularly in light of the upcoming official visit by His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley to Thailand in February 2024. His Majesty graciously replied that studying in Australia for seven years has provided His Majesty with the opportunity to learn the Australian way of life and meet Australians from various professions residing in the cities and upcountry. His Majesty was trained to be patient, restrained and disciplined as well as maintained strong physical and mental health. His Majesty also acquired knowledge and friendship. His Majesty is delighted to welcome General Hurley, a classmate at the Military Preparatory School and the Royal Military College on an official visit to Thailand, which signifies the friendship between the two countries.

The Thai Ambassador to Cambodia humbly sought the permission of His Majesty in bestowing expectations and advice on the role of the Ambassadors in the present changing world. His Majesty graciously replied that in a constantly changing world, it is the duty of the Ambassadors to study and analyse the situation while bearing in mind and understanding the needs of our nation. Diplomacy is dynamic rather than static. Therefore, Ambassadors must be knowledgeable, preserve Thainess and adapt to modernity, while maintaining sincerity, a good heart and fair mind.

The Thai Ambassador to Germany humbly sought the permission of His Majesty in granting guidance regarding old and new generations of Thais, particularly on cultivating bonds with the new generation of Thais residing overseas. His Majesty graciously replied that Thai people should be proud of the nation’s history, heritage, customs, traditions, values, language and religion. By and large, Thai people have benign dispositions. As for differences between the new and old generations, the older generation was once the new generation. Everyone must learn. Experience will make the younger generations wiser, more mature and experienced. Being progressive is laudable, but it must also be constructive. The new generation is just like all of us. They must harness experience, understanding, knowledge and learning.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is humbly grateful and deeply honoured for His Majesty the King’s gracious permission in granting a Royal Audience to the Ambassadors and Consuls-General in Bangkok.

