Mental Health Promotion Project to improve the quality of life of Thai People in Sri Lanka From ๒๑ – ๒๔ September ๒๐๑๘

Mental Health Promotion Project to improve the quality of life of Thai People in Sri Lanka From ๒๑ – ๒๔ September ๒๐๑๘

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 5 Oct 2018

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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          From ๒๑ to ๒๔ September ๒๐๑๘, the Royal Thai Embassy cooperated with Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health of Thailand to organise the Mental Health Promotion Project to improve the quality of life of Thai People in Sri Lanka. The Embassy has invited ๑ Thai psychologist namely Dr. Terdsak Detkong from Department of Mental Health to visit Thai community in Sri Lanka.
          On ๒๑ September ๒๐๑๘, Dr. Terdsak along with the Consul and the consular staff visited ๔ Thai inmates at Walikada Prison in Colombo to inquire about their living conditions and mental health check and give them advices on how to relieve their stress as well as provide relevant consular assistance.
          On ๒๒ September ๒๐๑๘, the Seminar on how to improve the quality of life in Sri Lanka was organised at the Royal Thai Embassy. H.E. Mrs. Chulamanee Chartsuwan gave a welcoming remarks to ๒๐ Thai people, who participated in the seminar. Dr. Terdsak, who was the speaker of this seminar, also gave individual counselling to those interested.On ๒๓ September ๒๐๑๘, Dr. Terdsak along with the Consul and the consular staff visited ๒๐ Thai workers in the construction site of Noppawong Construction Lanka Private Company Limited to provide individual and group counselling to those interested.  


