Thai – Bahrain Mid-year Review for the Third Meeting of the High Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation

Thai – Bahrain Mid-year Review for the Third Meeting of the High Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 11 Aug 2018

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 25 Nov 2022

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        On 7 August 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand hosted the Mid-year Review for the Third Meeting of the High Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. The Meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Damrong Kraikruan, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, and Mr. Tawfeeq Ahmed Almansoor, Assistant Undersecretary for Western Countries and Afro-Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain. The objective of the Meeting was to follow up on the various areas of bilateral cooperation under the Agreed Minutes of the Third Meeting of the High Joint Commission which was co-chaired by the Foreign Ministers of Thailand and Bahrain on 21 February 2018.

        The Meeting welcomed the progress made in various areas of bilateral cooperation since the Third Meeting of the High Joint Commission and reaffirmed mutual commitment to further deepen bilateral cooperation. The Meeting agreed to prioritize four strategic areas of bilateral cooperation, namely health and medical services, trade and investment, food security, and energy security, with a view to bringing to fruition tangible results in these four strategic areas at the earliest opportunity. The Meeting looks forward to, among others, the participation of Thai doctors in the Visiting Doctor Programme, the opening of the Thai Mart in Bahrain, the increase in trade and investment volumes between the two countries, and the exchange of expertise on agriculture.

        The Mid-year Review Meeting is a forum that helps to further concretise bilateral cooperation between Thailand and Bahrain. It also provides a clear guideline for the relevant implementing agencies of both countries to achieve tangible results at the earliest opportunity for the mutual benefits of the two countries and peoples.