The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosts the seminar “Turning the tide: Partnership for Sustainable Fisheries”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosts the seminar “Turning the tide: Partnership for Sustainable Fisheries”

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 2 Sep 2016

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2022

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          On 18 August 2016, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the seminar “Turning the tide: Partnership for Sustainable Fisheries” at the SO Sofitel Bangkok Hotel. The seminar was attended by over 100 participants from sectors including government, private, civil society, and academia.

          Mr. Songphol Sukchan, Director-General of Department of the European Affairs, delivered a welcoming remark at the opening ceremony. He stressed that Thai government’s strong determination to eliminate illegal fishing was transformed into considerable tangible progress within the past few years. Much still need to be done, however. This seminar aimed to strengthen the role and capacity of all stakeholders in tackling IUU fishing, as well as to provide knowledge and know-how from experts on fisheries reform for Thai authorities.

          The seminar consisted of two sessions as follows:

           1. A special lecture “Lessons from Norway’s fisheries reform: multi-stakeholder partnership and international cooperation” by Mr. Vidar Landmark, Director-General of Department for Fisheries and Aquaculture of Norway

            On his lecture, Mr. Landmark explained the Norwegian fisheries problem in the past, stating that Norway did not succeed in the fisheries sector reform overnight, but gradually carried on with reform for over 25 years. He also stressed that there is no “one size fits all” solution, and each country must find its way toward sustainable fisheries. He also elaborated on Norwegian fleet management which was effectively controlled by licensing and quota system together with scientific knowledge and experience in fisheries. Meanwhile, the Norwegian government had close discussion with all stakeholders to manage fisheries sector, as well as cooperation with neighboring countries to allocate the catch and tackle the IUU fishing. 

            2. A panel discussion on “Role of Multi-Stakeholders on Sustainable Fisheries”

            Panelists included Dr. Adisorn Promthep, Director-General of Department of Fisheries of Thailand, Assoc. Prof. Kungwan Juntanashote from Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, and representatives from various fisheries associations in Thailand. The discussion was focused on the role of relevant stakeholders in Thailand’s fisheries reform. All panelists shared the view that Thailand’s problem was serious and needed to be promptly solved with greater role and participation of private sector. Public and private stakeholders need to work in partnership to find appropriate approach for the reform that will eventually lead to sustainable, responsible, transparent and science-based fisheries.

          Furthermore, on 19 August 2016, Mr. Landmark visited the Department of Fisheries of Thailand to give a special lecture to Department of Fisheries’ officials. Topics during the lecture included licensing, quota system, and fisheries management. The lecture was very productive and can lead to closer fisheries cooperation between Thailand and Norway in the future.