Comments on the editorial calling for an open dialogue on the referendum

Comments on the editorial calling for an open dialogue on the referendum

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 15 Jul 2016

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

| 1,535 view

With regards to the editorial calling for an open dialogue on the referendum by some foreign ambassadors, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not previously been informed of, the Ministry wishes to reaffirm the following:

• The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is open to opinions and has been engaged with diplomatic corps in Bangkok to provide information on political developments in Thailand including the draft Constitution and the Referendum process which form parts of the Roadmap towards sustainable democracy; 

• Public order and social harmony are key for the Government to be able to see through the Roadmap. The Government has, therefore, promulgated a number of laws to ensure that public order and social harmony prevail. These laws do not impinge on general freedom of expression – which we believe is a fundamental element for a democratic society – as long as such expression does not undermine public order or social harmony. In fact, the Government has been receptive to all views regarding the current process of reconciliation and reform;

• The draft Constitution is the product of an extensive and inclusive process of hearings, public seminars and debates. The Constitutional Referendum Act also guarantees the right to express opinions on the draft in good faith and in accordance with the law. So far various shades of opinions has been shed on the merits and demerits of the draft, be it from the academic circles, the press, political parties as well as the general public. However, the government still needs to uphold law and order in order to prevent any disruption of public peace in the name of freedom; 

• Ultimately, the right balance between freedom of expression and public order is a crucial ingredient for a smooth transition towards genuine and sustainable democracy.