The Offering of the Royal Kathin Robe to Bhogal Buddha Vihar, in New Delhi, Republic of India

The Offering of the Royal Kathin Robe to Bhogal Buddha Vihar, in New Delhi, Republic of India

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 17 Nov 2015

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 5 Nov 2019

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            On 8 November 2015, H.E. Mr. Norachit Sinhaseni, Former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, presided over the Offering Ceremony of the Royal Kathin Robe, graciously bestowed by His Majesty the King through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the congregation of monks at the Bhogal Buddha Vihar Temple, New Delhi, Republic of India.
            Also present at the ceremony were H.E. Mr. Chalit Manityakul, Ambassador of Thailand to India; Phrathep Bodhivithes, Chief Abbot of Thai Buddhagaya Temple and Head of Thai Dhammaduta (Buddhist Missionaries) in India and Nepal; Mrs. Linna Tangthasiri, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Asst. Prof. Dr. Nitinant Wisaweisuan, Vice Rector for International Affairs and  Dr. Chulacheeb Chinwanno, Associate Professor of Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University. More than 150 people, including monks as well as Thai and Indian Buddhists, attended the ceremony.  
            Although the majority of the Indian population today are not Buddhists, but the Republic of India bears the importance of being the origin of Buddhism and is the place where Lord Buddha enlightened and passed away.  The country, therefore, has been frequented with a large number of Buddhist followers and pilgrims.  The Bhogal Buddha Vihar Temple is a Theravada temple where Thai, Laotian and Indian Buddhists in New Delhi and neighboring cities gathered to pursue their spiritual attainment. The temple regularly promotes Buddhism and helps co-organize several religious activities with the Thai Embassy.
            The Royal Kathin Robe Offering Ceremony at the Bhogal Buddha Vihar Temple has proven to be a tremendous success.  The benevolence of His Majesty the King as the upholder of religions was well recognized. The donation from His Majesty the King and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as Thai and Indian Buddhists totaled 512,361 Bahts.

