The Celebration of the Birthday Anniversary of the Four-Faced Buddha in Hong Kong

The Celebration of the Birthday Anniversary of the Four-Faced Buddha in Hong Kong

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 16 Nov 2015

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 5 Nov 2019

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            On 9 November 2015, Mr. Aroon Javasakapimas, Consul-General of Thailand, participated in the Celebration of the Birthday Anniversary of the Four-Faced Buddha in Macau. The Celebration was presided over by Mr. Edmund Ho, former Chief Executive of Macau, and Mr. Lino Ho Weng Cheong, President of the Macau-Thailand Chamber of Commerce. The event was held under the auspices of the Four-Faced Buddha Birthday Celebration Organizing Committee 2015, comprising Macau government agencies, private sector, the Thai Association in Macau and the Thai Community. The ceremony to pay homage to the Four-Faced Buddha is organized on 9th of November every year. The Four-faced Buddha in Macau has been established for 10 years. This year, Thai government representatives in Hong Kong joined the event, along with more than 1,000 Thai and Macau people who visited the shrine to pay homage to the Four-Faced Buddha Throughout the day.

