Permanent Secretary attends the 4th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the 21st ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial Meeting

Permanent Secretary attends the 4th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the 21st ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial Meeting

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 11 Aug 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 19 Nov 2022

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On 10 August 2014, Mr. Sihasak Phuangketkeow, Permanent Secretary Acting Foreign Minister attended the 4th EAS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the 21st ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial Meeting at Nay Pyi Taw. The gist is as follows:  

1.   The 4th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting: Comprised ofASEAN Foreign Ministers and Foreign Ministers from Japan, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Australia, New Zealand, India, United States and Russia. The meeting discussed on the six priority areas under EAS Cooperation framework namely, environment, energy, education, finance, infectious diseases, disaster management and connectivity. The Foreign Ministers endorsed two documents namely the EAS Declaration on Combatting Wildlife Trafficking and the EAS Guidelines for Rapid Disaster Response which will be adopted by the Leaders at the 9th East Asia Summit at Nay Pyi Taw in November 2014. The Foreign Ministers reaffirmed that EAS should be Leaders’ forum for main strategic dialogue of this region and also to set up mechanisms to follow up on the Leaders’ decision to ensure concrete implementation of those decisions.

The EAS Foreign Ministers also discussed regional and international issues such as the situation in the South China Sea, Ukraine, the downing of MH17 which resulted in many loss of lives. These incidents proved that developments outside the region has repercussions to our region. Therefore, we cannot be idle. With regard to North Korea, Thailand expressed the opinion that an environment conducive to negotiation is important in the reconvening of the six-party talks.

 2. The 21st ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial Meeting: ARF is regional meeting comprised of 26 countries and 1 regional group (European Union). The Ministers reiterated the importance of the ARF as a primary forum for dialogue and cooperation on political and security issues in the Asia-Pacific region. They reaffirmed their support for ASEAN as the main driving force of the ARF, as well as acknowledged the crucial contribution the ARF plays in the evolving regional security architecture. The Meeting also agreed on the work plan for the coming year. On the part of Thailand, the Acting Foreign Minister informed the meeting that Thailand will co-host with China an ASEAN Regional Forum on Inter-Sessional Meeting on Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime in 2015. In addition, the Meeting exchanged views on developments at regional and international level such as the situation in the South China Sea, Korean Peninsula, Iraq, Syria and in Gaza.

