National Broadcast By General Prayut Chan-o-cha Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (25 July 2014)

National Broadcast By General Prayut Chan-o-cha Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (25 July 2014)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 29 Jul 2014

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National Broadcast


General Prayut Chan-o-cha

Head of the National Council for Peace and Order

25 July 2014


Good evening dear citizens. A matter of great joy and gratification for the Thai people this week is that His Majesty the King has endorsed and affixed the royal signature on the Provisional Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2557 (2014). In a recent press conference, the Legal Cluster of NCPO has explained the principles and details to the local and international media. The promulgation of the charter will enable the NCPO to move according to plan set out in Phase 2. In receiving the provisional constitution from His Majesty the King, it is the first time that I as Head of NCPO was granted an audience with His Majesty. I shall touch upon this matter at a later stage of the programme.

Progress of NCPO

On Economy:

On the restoration of confidence on the economy, last week the representatives from the State Enterprises Worker's Federation of Thailand; the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce; and the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organization have called on the Head of Economic Cluster of NCPO. All parties showed understanding and acknowledged the policies of NCPO which will lead to  confidence in trade and investment of every sector and a more positive direction in the economic situation.

On the preparation to enter ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the Economic Cluster has pushed major efforts on trade cooperation both in multilateral and bilateral framework, for example, the ASEAN Caucus, the ASEAN-Hongkong Trade Negotiation Committee, and the ASEAN-Korea Meeting to discuss on expansion of market access.

On addressing the issue of agricultural products along the border, NCPO has designated the National Economic and Social Development Board to be the responsible agency in discussing with relevant governmental and private sector in formulating resolution strategy in all dimension, including the designation of the entry-exit points of goods, Special Economic Zones, quantity and types of agricultural products in each area, post-processing and value addition of goods, quality control, exports including taxation, investment, cooperation with private sector and international agreements. These are aimed to form basic quality of life of the local people to earn income and resolve the problem of agricultural products locally and in neighboring countries at the same time.

 On investment promotion, for the past 1 month, the Board of Investment (BOI) has approved 92 private sector projects worth around 260 billion Baht, which has partly unlocked the projects pending consideration during the period of political troubles.

On the situation on the price of agricultural products and guideline in their supervision;

- Products which saw a price increase during the past week include  the following 5 items:

- Longan from the northern region due to the buying by the dried-longan factories thereby increasing market competitiveness. Please beware of middlemen who would underprice. One could notify the problem to the Commerce Ministry which I have already instructed to look into the issues of monopolization or underpricing from middlemen.

- Durian, rambutan and longkong from the southern region, due to lower outputs in the market. As for the measures to maintain or increase the price of these items, we will continue to distribute the products to non-producing  areas during the high season as well as promote exports to the existing markets and  new markets.

- For Orchids, the price has increased but at a lower scale due to less demand from the international market. Consumers have turned to Phalaenopsis or ‘moth orchid’ from Singapore. Moreover, the quality of Thai Orchid is relatively low causing losses to cultivators who could not buy fertiliser or better develop the strain.

Measures in maintaining or increase the price of orchid includes supporting research and cultivating technology, promote breeding and reducing import tax of agar powder for orchid tissue culture.

- Products with stable price for the past 2 months include 2 items:

- Tapioca: the price is stable due to constant demand of tapioca chip and tapioca flour

Measures to increase the price of tapioca: as we are now in the cultivating period for the new season, we will focus on providing knowledge in maintaining and harvesting to gain quality product. In addition, at present NCPO has set up the Tapioca Policy and Management Committee and Sub-committee on Distributing Tapioca Product to oversee the amount and price stability so the farmers can receive full, appropriate and fair remuneration and in accordance with the disposal of tapioca in the government stockpile.

- Sugar Cane: the price is stable due to the use of the "Announcement on Sugar Cane Price" under the Sugar Cane and Brown Sugar Act B.E. 2527 (1984), with the announcement of latest price of 900 baht per ton on 17 December 2013.

Measures in increasing sugar cane price: accelerating the development of fine breed sugar cane to be compatible with each area as well as expanding the fine breed sugar cane to meet the demand of sugar cane farmers, introducing soil improvement and less usage of chemical fertiliser. We need to use more organic fertiliser effectively and at the same time accelerate the development of the quality in producing sugar in every system.

Last week a group of businesses and private sector in the global sugar industries participated in the Asian Sugar Night in Bangkok 2014. In their meeting with the NCPO, I explained the situation in Thailand and assured them of the continuing engagement with the business community and trade relations.  However, our policy on production and export of sugar cane and sugar will take into account the needs of buyers from different countries and domestic production of raw sugar. We also need to look after about 300,000 planters and the millions of workers as well as around 50 sugar mills. They must be overseen concurrently with production that is effective and sufficient as well as at an appropriate level to meet domestic and international demands.

- Products that price fell in the past week include 2 items:

- Palm oil: A slight reduction in price due to price reduction in the crude palm oil market in Malaysia owing to global market mechanisms. To effectively handle this, there needs to be monitoring of palm sugar trading in the domestic market in order to maintain production levels to be in tune with the global price of consumable palm oil.

- Fodder corn: Fallen price due to high humidity in stocks  harvested during the rainy season. Measures to minimize this include giving tips to corn farmers on storage and how to maintain standard humidity levels.   

 - As for the regulation of agricultural products, there is currently located in every province a Centre for the Assistance of Agricultural Products and a Public Service Centre for Agriculture to provide assistance and advice to farmers.

- As for agricultural products of farmers in the Southern Border Provinces, including mangosteen and longkong, which are expected to give high yields this year, the Internal Security Operations Command of the 4th Region has requested for solutions to offset this problem, and the NCPO has subsequently instructed concerned agencies to prepare remedial measures such as locating additional markets for such products.

- As for the current problems encountered by farmers of rubber plantations, the low prices have been due to a high level of production which began since 2004, and the NCPO has tasked concerned agencies to urgently consider both short term and long term measures to address this problem.


Security Issues:

Rectifying the problems in Southern Border Provinces (SBPs) is a key priority of the NCPO. A Committee for the Mobilization of Solutions to the SBPs situation has been set up, with the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army as Chairperson, to integrate plans and projects of related agencies so that they become more cohesive, truly reflect the needs of the people in area and are understood by the international community. At the 41st meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the issue of the Thailand’s SBPs was raised, in which the OIC expressed appreciation for Thailand’s efforts and support of peace negotiations between the various groups, while urging Thailand to maintain the current approach in addressing the situation.

Regarding the issue of human rights, NCPO would like the international community to understand that we have not committed grave human rights violations in anyway and we have no policy to allow any occurrences of Crimes Against Humanity such as inflicting grave humiliation to human dignity, murder, torture and rape. In this current security situation which is not normal, there have been necessities in certain areas which may have affected some rights, such as requiring the press to be more cautious in reporting news and special measures for some individuals in traveling abroad. We ask for understanding from the international community and international organizations to consider the necessity in invoking these special measures in order to protect our people and maintain security during this time of transition and reform.

Regarding the repatriation of internally displaced persons fleeing fighting in Myanmar along the Thai-Myanmar border, we have not taken any action as it is an issue that both governments must mutually find appropriate and safe solutions for the displaced persons without violating human rights principles. This is not an action to be taken up by the Security Cluster or the military as of now.

The same goes for the Rohingyas. Following the illegal operations to bring Rohingya groups into Thailand, there has been the need to invoke resolute measures to control the situation. Failure to do so will lead to human trafficking and influx of non-conflict related displaced persons into Thailand.

Last week, the Assistant Chief of Staff of the Royal Thai Army, as representative of the NCPO, met with a visiting delegation from Amnesty International (AI) and addressed the various concerns of AI such as violent incidents, actions taken by the NCPO since the application of martial law and the taking control of national administration, limitations to rights and freedoms, respect for human rights, the role of the NCPO after the establishment of a government, efforts to address the problem of illegal migrant workers and displaced persons from Myanmar. Following this meeting, the representatives from AI were more aware of and had a better understanding of the situation in Thailand and had a more positive outlook for the NCPOs actions on human rights. Given this, the NCPO asked for AI cooperation in providing accurate information on the situation in Thailand in various international arena.

In this aspect, the NCPO has always attached great importance to the issue of human rights and is currently in the process of establishing a Committee to address the problems of human rights violations in all aspects.

On the problem of migrant labour, the NCPO has been aware of the issue where migrant workers have not obtained passports, which take time to process in their countries of origin, and cannot enter Thailand. The Security Cluster has already been instructed to urgently come up with measures in resolving the problem. I would like to express my appreciation to all public sectors in jointly helping resolve the problem. At present, the main problems have eased and businesses can operate more smoothly. Fishing boat owners who employ migrant workers have already registered their workers in a total of 53,260 persons. And on 22 July, the NCPO has opened additional One Stop Service Centres for the Registration of Migrant Workers in 22 coastal provinces.


On social psychology:

On education, the NCPO has approved the project on distance learning via satellite, which is to provide material for all schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission and the Office of the Private Education Commission. It will help lift the quality of education in schools nationwide to achieve the same level of development and standard.

On the educational fund, the NCPO has approved to extend the operation of the Income Contingent Loan Funds project to the academic year 2558. However, the project is facing the problem of outstanding debts. There needs to be improvement in project management, more channels for debt paying, and an accurate database.

On employing additional public health personnel, the Ministry of Public Health has notified the NCPO of the problem of personnel shortage, and the NCPO has initially approved additional 9,074 positions for the fiscal year 2014, consisting of 7,547 positions for nurses and public health personnel, and 1,527 positions for medical, dental, and pharmaceutical students. Nevertheless, in resolving such problem in the future, the Ministry of Public Health has to exhaust all measures on administration and development of public personnel, before requesting additional positions.


On other issues of social importance:

On the demand for democracy, the NCPO does not deem it to be uncommon. What is peculiar though is the situation of Thai democracy in the past which has been problematic in every aspect; for instance, in the political sphere, entrance to political power, executive, legislative and judicial powers, corruption, non-transparency, cronyism, and conflicts of interest. Such problems have hindered pubic servants from servicing people effectively. I do not understand how those who demand for democracy could overlook such problems I just mentioned. Especially with regard to safety of life and property of the innocents during the protests in 2006, 2010, 2013 and 2014 whereby every party to the conflict lay claim to be democratic. The NCPO wants to put an end to and resolve these problems sustainably. Therefore we should look at this root cause and understand and find those who caused such chaotic situations. Condemning us while we are trying to improve the situation is not entirely fair. I ask for just consideration.

On claiming personal benefits regarding the appointments to state enterprise boards, the National Legislative Assembly and the Government, I have mentioned this several times. I reiterate that there are none. We are aware of the names of those involved and are looking for ways to take legal action. Please cease to perform such action, and those who have already given money should  immediately reclaim the payment or risk losing it. Persons who have been appointed by the NCPO have been scrutinized by an NCPO committee regarding  their personal record, performance, corruption, prosecution and cases under legal proceedings. Every person will be examined and nobody will be appointed without scrutiny. Appointees who are found guilty will be prosecuted and dismissed.

On claims against and anonymous letters criticising the NCPO, the armed forces and the Royal Thai Army regarding claims and accusations on weapons procurement, I have said many times that there is a scrutiny process. In the past all procurements have passed scrutiny. Government agencies have asked us and we responded. Such process has delayed the procurement and became an accumulated problem that needs to be continually resolved. We want everyone to trust us so please do not attack us on such issues. Any damaged equipment needs to be repaired. We do not manufacture a lot of equipment so we have to procure for testing purposes and for research and development. It has to be in tune with addressing non-traditional threats. We would like to design and manufacture ourselves with budget for research and development but it would take a long time which the NCPO could not do on its own.

On issues of claims of bribery in projects that have been approved by the NCPO for all ministries at central, regional or local levels, whether they are construction project, water resource management project, the dredging of canals, basic public utilities, and others, some people claimed that they are able to make connections with the NCPO or the Head of NCPO and asked for bribes from government officials, civilians, police, military or ordinary people. We ask you to notify the NCPO immediately to avoid corruption and unlawful practices from the initial stages of the budget planning, workplan and projects up to the procurement stage. We need to cooperate to ensure transparency in planning budgets, workplan and projects as well as a free and competitive bidding. There will be a monitoring committee to inspect each and every step. I would like to reemphasize that there must be no bribery.

On resolving corruption, the NCPO places high importance to this issue. At the moment, we are solving immediate problems. There is the Monitoring and Auditing Committee on Fiscal Expenditures to examine the public agencies’ workplans and projects with high budget, of which many were found suspicious. The NCPO has ordered a revision or a suspension of such projects on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, the NCPO has ordered all public agencies to lay a foundation for monitoring and preventing corruption, as well as to instill and promote virtuousness for civil servants at all levels. An example is the Ministry of Commerce’s measures stipulating all executives, staffs and employees to perform their duties in accordance with the principles of good governance, morality, and integrity and transparency assessment, which are considered decent guiding practices, enhancing transparency in the public sector. If all ministries and public agencies adhere to these principles, it will lead to a strong foundation for the Thai civil service system.

On the existing system of decentralising government administration at the central, regional and local levels, the NCPO does not see much problems, except ones concerning the selection process, transparency and efficiency. These issues require reform in order to guarantee fairness and justice. The NCPO has no intention to make any changes. Do not forget that Thailand is a unified country and one indivisible Kingdom. The country – the land, the people and the political system – is inseparable. Article 1 of the constitution and other articles stipulate public administration at the central, regional and local levels. The NCPO places importance on government officials in every sector, especially Subdistrict Administrative Organisation (SAO), Provincial Administrative Organisation (PAO), subdistrict chiefs and village chiefs, who work most closely with the people. However, local administration must be tied to the central and regional administration to establish the balance of power. If we are able to develop the 3 levels of human resources, there should not be any problems as long as there is good coordination. It is even better that they will mutually benefit each other and complete the gaps. The important problem is people. Government officials must be knowledgeable, qualified, dedicated and honest and must have more regard for the welfare of other people than themselves and their cronies.

For elections that happened before 22 May, the Election Commission can still announce the confirmation of the results. However, replacement elections as a result of electoral penalties (red/yellow cards) are to be postponed temporarily pending further announcements.

The NCPO has already instructed the Department of Local Administration to create understanding among local administration organisations and Provincial Offices of the Election Commission for them to proceed accordingly.

On the improvement and development of Thailand’s information technology system, the NCPO’s advisors have been instructed to establish various subcommittees to conduct studies on the matter. This is to be done in parallel with the works of the State Enterprise Policy Office, or its working groups, and other relevant governmental agencies. The aim is to come up with measures to rehabilitate state enterprises in this sector and resolve all issues rapidly to keep up with the schedule for the 4G network auction which has been temporarily postponed for one year. We need time must rehabilitate this sector. At the same time I wish to stress that such work must not affect the services to the people. 

On the inspection of rice warehouses, we are continually working on the matter, as well as taking legal actions on cases which are not transparent so that   these cases are investigated in accordance with the judicial process. These steps are separate from the inspections and relevant legal actions of the National Anti-Corruption Commission. The NCPO inspection team has already conducted rice stock inspections for 836 places out of the total 1,787 (equivalent to 46.78 %). The preliminary finding is that there are 685 places where the rice is in normal conditions and 126 places where there are irregularities—such as deteriorating rice quality, inconsistent IDs on sacks for the type and source of rice, mixed grades of rice, significant weevil infestation or contamination by other elements, etc.

On the disposal of rice stocks, the NCPO has approved the strategy, approach, target, plan, and method of clearing rice in the government’s stocks as proposed by the Subcommittee on Rice Disposal, chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce. The target is to clear 18 million tons of rice in the stocks within three years. The rice will be divided into that of good-quality, medium-quality, and low-quality, for release or distribution via suitable channels—such as export, normal trade, consumption, and processing. Considerations will be made based on suitability and pursuant to the situation for rice trade in domestic and foreign markets to maintain price stability. Impacts on farmers and the interest of the state will also be considered. Many approaches for the disposal of rice will be considered—government-to-government transactions, cooperation between government and the private sector for sales of rice to buyers in foreign countries, sales to private organisations, the Public Warehouse Organization, or the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand with purchasing orders from abroad, etc.

On the media, I would like to thank the media for your understanding. I ask those who are responsible for each media association to keep a close watch in not allowing any violation with ill intent or any dissemination or reporting of false or unsubstantiated information or news, to ensure fairness for the people against whom accusations are made. The NCPO does not intend to use any power or do anything whatsoever to interfere with or control the media. We only wish for all media associations and all types of media to be strengthened and be credible to the public.

I ask for the understanding of the media, including both Thai and foreign correspondent associations, in the NCPO’s operations. The second phase of the Roadmap needs to create peace and order as much as possible. If you do not intend to do damage or make excessive criticisms, no one can do anything to you. I ask for your cooperation because the power to make our society orderly or disorderly rests with you. If you truly intend to help in reforming our country together, you should understand this. In fact, the reform of all branches of mass media is also part of the reforms to be undertaken in this second phase.

On the Provisional Constitution, there is a need to specify the powers and functions of each party clearly as their undertakings are the exercising, in form, of powers by His Majesty the King under the system of Constitutional Monarchy. For the past two months, you will notice that the NCPO has been trying to address all problems swiftly. The aim was never to use our power to hurt anybody, only to use them constructively to bring peace and happiness to the people and the nation. Some people are satisfied with this, while some are not. The NCPO has been working with fairness and only wishes to find ways to make our nation secure and sustainable. All parties should thus cooperate with the NCPO in its works. Do not look solely at the democracy aspect otherwise we cannot move forward on other issues if there is opposition on every issue. Expressions of concern were made even when things have not happened yet. The past has already provided a lesson which we want to avoid. So we need to cooperate in order to move forward together in the future. This will be the work of the government under the provisional constitution.

 Everyone should be satisfied in knowing that there is a system of check and balance between the government and NCPO to ensure peace and order of the society and transparency in the operations or works of all sectors. Some may forget that the current situation is an exceptional one. If it is normal we can end our involvement. But it is not yet normal; reforms have not taken place. Today we have only reduced tension with talks and consultations taking place. There are still opposition, creation of misunderstandings, and distortion of facts, both in and outside of the country. Although the NCPO and various governmental agencies have tried to explain, there are still some groups of people who have not understood. I am not sure whether they really do not understand or whether they are trying to conceal something. I ask that this should end. Probing measures under the judicial system still exist. If it is said that the NCPO is bullying any group or any person, we need to see if they are really at fault. If no wrongdoing then there will be no legal charges and vice versa. Time will be needed for the investigation process, to gather proof, and to ensure the fairness and transparency of the entire process. The NCPO has no intention in using its power to hurt or destroy anyone, we have rather left it as a matter for due course of law. If we do not allow the judicial process to proceed as normal, tensions would rise again. If we had wanted to destroy anyone, we, holding sovereign power, would have already ordered numerous punishments during the past period. But we have not done so. Some people questioned why. In return I asked whether the conflict will not happen again if we failed to apply the normal justice system. Do not use sentiments alone as we have to live together in the future.

The NCPO tried not to act on the requests of any one group of people on  fears that if carried out, other groups will say that it is not fair and it will perpetuate disagreements as happened in the past. Therefore, wait for the judicial process to proceed with the evidence. All parties must accept the rules of society which are in accordance with the law. This cannot be denied as laws exist to enable people in the society to live together peacefully, not to endlessly create conflicts. People who are truly guilty of their crimes must be punished. If they are guilty but do not accept their punishments, they will have to flee the country. If they return, they will face arrests and legal actions like many previous cases.

The NCPO wishes for the Thai people and society to think deeply of the nation, more than of mutual anger and hatred which will cause us to overlook our children’s future—their future in living together. If we were to continue fighting each other with feelings of vengeance and resentment for each other, how can our descendents live in peace. It would be better to take matters up based on legal points of view.

According to this provisional constitution, regardless of any power the NCPO may have, if the user of power uses it for good, for the benefit of Thai people and Thailand, there is no need for much worry—that is, if the administrators of the country and all power-users adhere to the principles of good governance, morality, integrity, transparency, and efficiency in doing their work. However, if they do not have integrity, devoid of use and transparency, they can be replaced anytime. So please trust NCPO in using its powers.

On the administration of the country in the second phase of the Roadmap, when the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, the government, the National Legislative Assembly (NLA), and the National Reform Council (NRC) have all been appointed, we will be able to operate with full powers. This means the exercise of legislative and judicial powers through the Cabinet, the NLA, and the judicial system. At the same time, there will be reforms on significant issues, where results are set to be achieved for the short-term (immediately), medium-term of one year in which a government exists, and long term in which administration is handed over to successive governments. We ask for your patience, your cooperation in thinking and deciding, and your collective approval, to reach conclusions and prevent undesirable outcomes similar to what has happened in the past from happening again in the future. Otherwise, the demands and fighting, the deaths of the people and officials, will be in vain. The NCPO’s undertakings will also be all in vain. The country will return to the same vicious cycle and will you let this happen?

The NLA and the NRC are to be established to enable the reforms to truly be carried out. Everything has a time limit, as specified in the Roadmap. We are trying to achieve that. If we are unable to follow the schedule then we cannot achieve reforms in the timeframe, which will have to be extended. We do not seek to stay in power for a long period so the progress does not rest solely on the NCPO. We are making efforts to work, to solve problems, but in moving the country forward, it is up to you citizens as well. Cooperate with us, share views and opinions with us. Do not criticize among yourselves or fear what has not arrived. If any bad things happen in the future it must be changed or resolved immediately.  

 So I would like to ask for cooperate from everyone to help bring peace and sustainable democracy to the country, without further divisiveness among the general public and politicians. Bureaucrats and officials will be able work without hindrance, especially in law enforcement. Therefore, if disturbances and chaos erupts again, I do not know what to do. Now is the time that we need to cooperate with each other. It is a critical period of the country so please do not demand too much during this period before elections can take place under the new constitution, which will have to be drafted in Phase 2 so as to pave the way to democratic elections and tangible reforms that everyone wishes to see. 

On foreign affairs, it could be seen that many countries have continued   cooperation with Thailand economically. Businesses and trade relations between the private sectors have continued as normal. They have also expressed support and hope for Thailand and its people to become a sustainable democracy in the near future. As for military relations, during August, there will be a joint military exercise between the armies of Thailand and Australia taking place in Tak and Songkhla provinces, also known as Exercise Chapel Gold 14, which Thailand is hosting this year. Additionally, the Indian Ambassador to Thailand and the Singapore Supreme Commander last week paid a courtesy call on the NCPO. Both countries understand very well the situation in Thailand and the operations of the NCPO and are ready to provide support and continue to further develop friendly relations with us in the future.

On the downing of the Malaysia Airlines and the crash of TransAsia Airways flights in the past week, on behalf of the people of Thailand, we would like to extend our deepest condolences to the victims, both crew members and passengers, and their families and relatives.

On the fighting between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza Strip which has led to the death of a Thai worker, we would like to extend our condolences to his family as well. On this matter, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Royal Thai Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, have already been instructed to coordinate with relevant parties to relocate Thai workers from the areas within the proximity of the Gaza Strip to other safe zones.

Other important matters such as economic and social investments, infrastructure development, water resources management, energy management, transportation, etc. are being worked on constructively for readiness to become part of the ASEAN Community and AEC.

During the period of 22 May 2014 to 22 July 2014, or the past two months, the NCPO has received much cooperation from Thai people from all sectors. We would like to thank the leaders of all movements and protest groups who have refrained from organising political activities and instead tend to their personal matters and business—taking care of their families, recreation, exercising, returning to their works, and preparing themselves for the reform and future activities in politics. The NCPO very much hopes that from now on we will receive the same, or more, cooperation—in reconciliation, in reform, and in collaboration in the administration of the country—for us to get past all the obstacles that are arresting Thailand’s advancement and to ensure an ever-lasting bright future for our younger generations. The NCPO does not wish to have or seek power for any personal gain whatsoever.

On the occasion of the upcoming Birthday Anniversary of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn on July 28th, I would like to invite everyone to extend their good wishes to His Royal Highness, may the power of all things sacred protect His Royal Highness and blessed him with strength, good health, happiness and long life.

Thank you and good night.

