Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No. 66/2557 Subject: the Broadcasting of Radio Stations with Probationary Licenses

Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No. 66/2557 Subject: the Broadcasting of Radio Stations with Probationary Licenses

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 23 Jun 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 23 Nov 2022

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Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order

No. 66/2557

Subject: the Broadcasting of Radio Stations with Probationary Licenses

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            Following the announcement of the NCPO No. 23/2557 dated 23 May B.E. 2557 (2014) on the broadcasting by terrestrial analog television/radio stations and radio stations and announcement of the NCPO No. 32/2557 dated 24 May B.E. 2557 (2014) on the suspension of broadcasting by unregistered community radio stations and radio stations with probationary licenses; in order to ensure that news and information are disseminated to the public accurately and without distortion, so as to avoid misunderstanding which might affect the maintenance of peace and order, the NCPO hereby announces that:

            Radio stations with probationary licenses from the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission are allowed to resume broadcasting their programs normally once they have acted in accordance with the criteria, methods and conditions prescribed by, as the case may be, the law on the body to allocate radio frequencies and regulate the radio broadcasting, television broadcasting and telecommunications services, the law on broadcasting and television services, and the law on radio communications.


            This announcement shall take effect immediately.


                                                Announced on 14 June B.E. 2557 (2014)



                                                                                         General Prayut Chan-o-cha

                                                                        Head of the National Council for Peace and Order