Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No. 63/2557 Subject: Policy regarding the State Justice Process

Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No. 63/2557 Subject: Policy regarding the State Justice Process

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 19 Jun 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 25 Nov 2022

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Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order

No. 63/2557

Subject: Policy regarding the State Justice Process

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            As any action relating to the judicial process must come under the law in each case, but recent legal proceedings and the performance of agencies involved in the judicial process might have caused misunderstanding or misconception that the performance of such agencies has been unfairly discriminatory, which has caused the conflict and divisions in society and may even cause more in the future. Therefore, in order to ensure that the judicial process works correctly according to the law, quickly, and fairly to the people, and to strengthen confidence in Thailand’s judicial process among the public and the international community, the NCPO hereby announces that:


            The NCPO’s policy regarding the judicial process is that all people must be fairly treated under the law, with equality and parity under the judicial process. Organizations or agencies related to the judicial process – whether the Courts, the National Anti-Corruption Commission, Independent Organizations, State Attorneys, the Royal Thai Police, the Department of Special Investigation, the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission, and other government organizations related to the justice process – shall perform their duties with strict adherence to impartiality and with clear standards in proceeding with all cases under their jurisdiction according to the type of case, while being open to public scrutiny. They should avoid any action that may cause public misunderstanding about law enforcement, which would lead to conflict and disunity in the society. Their performance must conform to the rule of law and be without discrimination.


            This announcement shall take effect immediately.


                                                Announced on 12 June B.E. 2557 (2014)



                                                                                         General Prayut Chan-o-cha

                                                                        Head of the National Council for Peace and Order