Announcement of the National Peace and Order Maintaining Council No. 30/2557 Subject: Termination of the Senate

Announcement of the National Peace and Order Maintaining Council No. 30/2557 Subject: Termination of the Senate

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 2 Jun 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 17 Nov 2022

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Announcement of the National Peace and Order Maintaining Council

No. 30/2557

Subject: Termination of the Senate

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            With regard to Announcement of the NCPO (formerly NPOMC) No. 11/2557 dated 22 May 2014 allowing the Senate, as comprised on the date the Announcement came into force, to continue to function; for the benefit of the country’s administration, the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order hereby announces as follows:

            1. The Senate functioning as of the date this Announcement takes effect shall be terminated;

            2. Any matter that requires consent from Parliament, the House of Representatives or the Senate as stipulated by law shall now come under the power and responsibility of the Head of the NCPO in giving such consent instead of Parliament, the House of Representatives or the Senate.

            This announcement shall take effect immediately

            Announced on 24 May B.E. 2557 (2014)



                                                            General Prayut Chan-O-Cha

                                     Head of the National Peace and Order Maintaining Council