On 29 November 2013, Thailand is re-elected as Member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council under Category C at the 28th Regular Session of the IMO Assembly held on 29 November 2013 at the IMO Headquarters in London.
In his statement before the election, HE Mr PasanTeparak, the Ambassador and the Permanent Representative of Thailand to the IMO, highlights Thailand’s contribution towardsthe sustainable maritime environmentand safety of shipping and security at sea as well as Thailand’s commitment to the IMO and its works.
On 28 November 2013, the Ambassador and Mr.PrasertsiriSukhawattanakun, Inspector – General of the Ministry of Transport, also call on Mr. Koji Sekimizu, the Secretary-General of IMO and host a reception for the IMO member countries on the occasion of Thailand’s candidature for re-election to the Council of the IMO at the Royal Thai Embassy.
The re-election of Thailand under Category “C” will enable Thailand to continue its works and contributions towards the IMO as well as towards the promotion of safe, secure and environmentally friendly shipping.