The Offering of the Royal Kathin Robeat the MettavadiHinthada Monastery, Yangon, Myanmar

The Offering of the Royal Kathin Robeat the MettavadiHinthada Monastery, Yangon, Myanmar

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 31 Oct 2013

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 5 Nov 2019

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                On 27 October 2013, Mr. BandhitSotipalalit, President of the Thai - Myanmar Associationfor Friendship and former Ambassador of Thailand, presided over the Offering Ceremony of the Royal Kathin Robe, graciously bestowed by His Majesty the King throughthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the congregation of monks atthe MettavadiHinthada Monastery, Yangon, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

            Also present at the ceremony were H.E. Mr. PisanuSuvanajata, Ambassador of Thailand to Myanmar,Mr.KallayanaVipattipumiprates, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Thailand on Social and Advisor to the Thai - Myanmar Association for Friendship, H.E. Mr. Soe Win, Vice Minister for Religious Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Mr.KyawThu, Chairman of the Union Civil Service Board of Myanmar, Mr.NyuntSwe, President of theMyanmar-Thai Friendship Associationas well as over 300 Thai and Myanmar Buddhists.

            The Royal Kathin RobeOffering Ceremony in Yangon fulfilled the aim to further tighten cordial relations between Thailand and Myanmar, especially in the year 2013 which marks the 65th Anniversary of Thailand - Myanmar relations.The donation from His Majesty the King and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as Thai and Myanmar Buddhists totaled 1,735,488 Baht(approximately 54.2 million Kyat). 

            Apart from the ceremony, the Royal Thai Embassy, Yangon and the Thai - Myanmar Association for Friendshipalso organized other CSR activities at the MettavadiHinthada Monasteryincluding mobile health check-up and haircut service and the opening of the playground and the Teaching Aid Learning Center for the orphans under the monastery’s care.

