Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow promotes the “Kitchen of the World” policy

Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow promotes the “Kitchen of the World” policy

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 31 Oct 2013

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 5 Nov 2019

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On 13 September 2013, the Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow together with BreadSalt Magazine, one of the leading cooking magazines in Russia, organized a Thai Cooking Contest to search for the winner whose award would be a round trip ticket to Thailand supported by the Thai Airways and a package to travel in the country and attend Thai cooking classes supported by the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

5 Russian candidates having submitted the photos of their Thai dishes and recipes and passed to the final round had to cook their dish and “Pad Thai” as an obligatory dish. The referees from Team Thailand gave the highest score to Ms Olga Erbis for her “Gai Pad Med Mamuang” and “Pad Thai”.

H.E. Lt.Cdr. Itti Ditbanjong, ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Russian Federation, was an honorary eye-witness in the event and also awarded the competitors,  representatives from BreadSalt and Russian audiences  the Thai Foundation’s “Secret to Thai Cooking” books to promote the knowledge of Thai cuisine among Russian people.

The said activity is considered one of the special activities that the Royal Thai Embassy and the Team Thailand in Moscow have jointly organized to promote closer ties and dialogue between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Russian Federation under the main theme of “September 2013: Spotlight on Thailand in Russia”.

