Joint Statement between Prime Minister John Key and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

Joint Statement between Prime Minister John Key and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 23 Mar 2013

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 16 Sep 2022

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Joint Statement
Prime Minister John Key and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra



New Zealand Prime Minister John Key and Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra met on 22 March 2013 to chart the way for a deeper bilateral strategic partnership and enhanced cooperation.  This is Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s first official visit to New Zealand and marks 57 years of diplomatic relations between New Zealand and Thailand. 

Last year marked the 50th anniversary of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Thailand’s visit to New Zealand. Prime Minister Key conveyed his warmest wishes to Their Majesties the King and Queen of Thailand and the members of the Royal Family.  

Prime Minister Key welcomed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s update on recent political developments, and expressed New Zealand’s support for Thailand’s peaceful democratisation.  Both sides reaffirmed their shared respect for democratic values, the protection and promotion of human rights, good governance and the rule of law.

The New Zealand-Thai bilateral relationship is underpinned by our Closer Economic Partnership (CEP), in force since 2005, strong people-to-people links and our close cooperation in the region and internationally.  New Zealand and Thailand are natural partners in the Asia-Pacific region and the Prime Ministers welcomed the depth of cooperation between our two countries. 

Bilateral architecture

The Prime Ministers noted the wide range of bilateral cooperation on political, security, economic, education, science and technology and development issues. 

The Prime Ministers noted the regularity of high-level exchanges and the positive contribution that this makes to the development of the relationship.  They welcomed the enhanced high-level dialogue between respective Foreign Ministers through the Joint Ministerial Commission, most recently through the visit to Thailand of the New Zealand Foreign Minister, Hon Murray McCully, in July 2012.  The Joint Ministerial Commission provides a critical framework for shaping the bilateral agenda, exchanging views on regional and international issues and exploring opportunities for collaboration.

New Zealand’s Trade Minister, Hon Tim Groser, met with Thailand’s Commerce Minister HE Boonsong Teriyapirom in Bangkok in September 2012 to exchange views on how to further enhance our bilateral trade relationship and to support companies seeking to do business in each other’s market.

Trade and investment

The two Prime Ministers discussed factors contributing to the success of our bilateral trading relationship, including the key role the CEP between New Zealand and Thailand has played in expanding our trading relationship.  The Prime Ministers welcomed the doubling of our goods trade since 2005, and expressed the hope that other sectors, including services and investment would record similar growth.

The Prime Ministers agreed to set a new target of doubling trade by 2020 to further advance our trading relationship.

They agreed that in order to achieve this, we need to continue to develop the provisions of the CEP including on services, government procurement, and the special agricultural safeguards regime (SSG) - in particular the objective of completing a review of the SSG this year.  Progress in these areas will help our CEP keep pace with trade arrangements around our region, and will drive further growth in our bilateral trade.

The Prime Ministers exchanged views on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), of which New Zealand is a founding member.  Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra noted the development of the TPP and observed that Thailand is considering its position.

Prime Minister Key welcomed the business delegation accompanying the Thai Prime Minister noting that this visit presented a useful opportunity to explore business opportunities in New Zealand, including scope for expanding bilateral investment.  Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra invited New Zealand investors to explore business opportunities in Thailand.

The two Prime Ministers welcomed the extensive bilateral cooperation on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements, noting the benefits of market access opportunities for both sides.  Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra expressed appreciation for the recent announcement that Thailand would now be able to export salmon product to New Zealand, and also for New Zealand’s ongoing efforts to advance other Import Health Standards identified as of commercial interest to Thailand

The Prime Ministers encouraged both sides to forge cooperation on Film and Audio Visual which is a dynamic and creative industry.

Education, science and innovation

The Prime Ministers underscored the importance of people-to-people linkages and noted that education laid an important foundation for bilateral contact, particularly amongst our young people.  New Zealand is an important destination for Thai students at both secondary and university level and the two countries have a strong history of education cooperation. The Prime Ministers recalled the success of the 2007 bilateral Education Cooperation Arrangement and the recent Joint Working Group meeting on Education.

The Joint Framework for Cooperation on the Education Partnership, issued today, further strengthens this important relationship and identifies new avenues for cooperation in the area of vocational training.  Thailand noted its shortage of skilled vocational workers and welcomed the opportunity to develop new training and education capabilities in this area in cooperation with New Zealand.  The two Prime Ministers also welcomed the joint work on qualifications recognition and the current project under the ASEAN Australia and New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA) in this area.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra expressed her Government’s appreciation for New Zealand assistance with English language capacity building in preparation for ASEAN Economic Community, including the provision of ASEAN scholarships for Thai teachers of English, the Advanced Oral Communications Course (AOCC) and New Zealand teacher volunteers.

The Prime Ministers noted the cooperation in the area of science and technology and to this end witnessed the signature of a bilateral Science, Technology and Innovation Letter of Intent.  They welcomed the efforts of their Chief Science Advisors to improve exchanges on science education and to develop APEC science cooperation. 

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra recognised New Zealand advancement in agricultural technology, food safety as well as cooperative management and expressed interest in having technical cooperation on these areas.


The Prime Ministers recalled that tourism also plays a vital role in enhancing people-to-people linkages and enhancing mutual understanding. Prime Minister Key welcomed the on-going commitment of Thai Airways to direct services between our two countries. 

Recalling the importance of tourism and air links, the Prime Ministers also confirmed their intention to promote further liberalization of air transport with a view to reaching a conclusion of our new bilateral air services agreement. 

The two Prime Ministers also welcomed the success of the Working Holiday Scheme in bringing young Thais to New Zealand.


The Prime Ministers recalled that Thailand and New Zealand work closely and constructively on climate change issues, including through the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, and are committed to on-going climate action.  Thailand and New Zealand continue to work together on ways to develop and enhance carbon markets, which are – and will increasingly be – a centrepiece of both countries’ mitigation efforts.

The Prime Ministers also welcomed the success of the bilateral environment project focused on improving environmental management of Thailand's Tha Chin River and New Zealand's Waikato River, through community participation frameworks.

Security/defence cooperation

The Prime Ministers noted the long history of Police cooperation between our two countries, on areas such as transnational crime, drugs and border compliance matters.  They welcomed the 2012 signing of the Police Cooperation Arrangement on Transnational Crime. 

Prime Minister Key expressed his Government’s gratitude to the Royal Thai Police Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team for their assistance in New Zealand following the Canterbury earthquake in February 2011.  He noted that the New Zealand Police Commissioner had awarded Canterbury Earthquake Citations to individual members of the Royal Thai Police DVI team in February 2013.

The Prime Ministers also welcomed the two sides bilateral defence cooperation, including mutual exchanges of personnel, and welcomed the visit of Thai Army Chief Prayudh Chan-ocha to New Zealand in September 2013 for the regional Army Chiefs’ meeting.

Regional developments

The Prime Ministers underscored their respective commitments to regional cooperation initiatives.  Prime Minister Key acknowledged Thailand’s strategic location and leadership role in ASEAN and on issues of mutual interest in the region.  Prime Minister Key asserted New Zealand’s on-going commitment to support and engage actively with ASEAN, including through the East Asia Summit, the negotiations on a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and a potential 40th anniversary commemorative ASEAN-New Zealand Summit.

The Prime Ministers also noted their intention to work together to deliver, through the Mekong Institute, two jointly funded Mekong agricultural training programmes.

The Prime Ministers welcomed cooperation in promoting the regional security architecture, including the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus) and in issues of common concern such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief and addressing transnational crime.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra raised Thailand’s hosting of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Chiang Mai during 19-20 May 2013 under the theme “Water Security: Leadership and Commitment, with special focus on Water Disaster Challenges”. Prime Minister Key congratulated Thailand on this initiative.


The Prime Ministers recognised the value of each country’s contribution to international peace and security – New Zealand through its efforts in Afghanistan, and Thailand through its contribution to peacekeeping operations in Darfur, and counter-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden.

The Prime Ministers exchanged views on respective UN Security Council campaigns, and expressed their strong commitment to the multilateral process.  They acknowledged and reaffirmed the mutual support for their respective bids to stand for non-permanent seats on the UN Security Council and agreed to continue giving favourable consideration to each other’s candidatures in various international organisations. 


The Prime Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to work closely to advance the bilateral relationship, to work collaboratively in regional and international forums and to continue to support the strengthening of people-to-people links and our trading relationship.

Prime Minister Key thanked Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra for her invitation to make a reciprocal visit to Thailand, and confirmed his intention to take this up at a mutually convenient time.

New Zealand
March 22, 2013

