On 3 August 2009, Dato Syed Ariff Fazillah bin Syed Awalludin, President of the Malaysia-Thai Association (MTA), together with government, private sector, and academic representatives from Malaysia, paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya.

On 3 August 2009, Dato Syed Ariff Fazillah bin Syed Awalludin, President of the Malaysia-Thai Association (MTA), together with government, private sector, and academic representatives from Malaysia, paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya.

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 4 Apr 2012

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 23 Nov 2022

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On 3 August 2009, Dato Syed Ariff Fazillah bin Syed Awalludin, President of the Malaysia-Thai Association (MTA), together with government, private sector, and academic representatives from Malaysia, paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya.

