Statement by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand On Behalf of ASEAN Member States at the SDG Summit on Tuesday 24 September 2019, United Nations, New York, United States of America

Statement by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand On Behalf of ASEAN Member States at the SDG Summit on Tuesday 24 September 2019, United Nations, New York, United States of America

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Unofficial Translation

Statement by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand
On Behalf of ASEAN Member States
at the SDG Summit
Tuesday 24 September 2019
United Nations, New York, United States of America



Mr. President of the General Assembly,
Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations,
Madame President of the Economic and Social Council,
Distinguished Delegates,


I am pleased and honoured to deliver this statement on behalf of the 10 ASEAN Member States, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Viet Nam, and Thailand.

This past June, ASEAN Leaders adopted the Vision Statement on Partnership for Sustainability, which will support our global efforts to attain the SDGs. Previously, ASEAN had also agreed on the Complementarities Initiative – to enhance complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the UN 2030 Agenda.

ASEAN aspires for a people-centred Community that leaves no one behind. There are three key words that best describe the focus of our efforts : acceleration, localisation, and cooperation. We need to accelerate SDGs implementation, localise SDGs through home grown knowledge, and forge cooperation with all partners and sectors of society.

First, acceleration of our actions through enhancing connectivity, tackling inequalities through the use of science, technology and innovation to improve quality of life in line with our goal for a Digital and Green ASEAN, as well as protect and restore the environment, promote the sustainable use of ocean resources, and eradicate marine debris;

Second, localisation of the SDGs by encouraging public participation in policymaking, promoting local approaches to development, empowering communities through promoting greater financial inclusion and supporting MSMEs, and preparing for ageing societies;

Third, cooperation to promote free trade through the multilateral trading system and regional initiatives such as RCEP, advance the SMART Cities Network, and strengthen resilience to natural disasters to protect the people and our development gains.

Finally, ASEAN stands ready to work with the United Nations and other Member States to develop knowledge, capacities, as well as to exchange best practices. The launch of the ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue in Thailand later this year will help build ASEAN Member States’ capacity to implement the SDGs in a concrete manner both in our region and beyond.

Mr. President,

If we want to pass on a sustainable world to our children and grandchildren, there is no time to waste. Therefore, we must act now, act quickly, and do more together in partnership.

I thank you.