Weekly press briefing by MFA Deputy Spokesperson  on Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 15:30 hours 

Weekly press briefing by MFA Deputy Spokesperson  on Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 15:30 hours 

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 12 May 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 12 May 2022

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Weekly press briefing by MFA Deputy Spokesperson 
on Thursday, 12
May 2022 at 15:30 hours 
at Press Conference Room, MFA and via MFA Facebook Live


1. ASEAN – U.S. Special Summit and related meetings (12 – 13 May 2022)

  • PM Prayut and the Thai delegation arrived at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, U.S. earlier this morning (05.55 hrs. BKK time/ 18. 55hrs. EDT) for the ASEAN – U.S. Special Summit to be held in Washington DC.  
  • On 12 May, the PM will start his schedule by meeting the Thai community in Washington DC Area. The ASEAN leaders will later have lunch with the US Congressional Leaders hosted by US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. In the afternoon, ASEAN leaders will discuss and exchange views with leaders from US private sector. Later on, PM Prayut will have a bilateral meeting the US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.  
  • In the evening, the ASEAN Leaders will meet with US President Joseph R. Biden. They will be hosted for dinner by President Biden on 12 May and have a meeting with President Biden on 13 May. 
  • On 13 May, PM will join ASEAN leaders for Breakfast Roundtable with a business sector representative from the National Center for APEC, US-ASEAN Business Council (USABC), and US Chamber of Commerce (USCC). The PM and other ASEAN Leaders will be hosted to a working lunch by US Vice President Kamala D. Harris and will participate in a meeting with Vice President Harris and a group of US Cabinet Secretaries, with discussions to be focused on climate action, clean energy transition and sustainable infrastructure. The programme will be concluded with a meeting with President Biden.  
  • MFA and the Government House will update the results of the meetings at the earliest opportunity.


2. DPM/FM to pay an official visit to Saudi Arabia

  • DPM/FM will pay an official visit to Saudi Arabia between 15 – 18 May 2022. The official visit will be joined byalmost 80 representatives from 28 government sectors, and about 60 representatives from 39 private sectors.
  • The official visit is aimed to promote bilateral cooperation after the normalisation of Thailand – Saudi Arabia diplomatic relations, and to steer forward cooperation which both countries agreed to promote after the PM’s official visit on 25 January 2022. 
  • Both sides will promote interactions and coordination between government agencies as well as private sectors to promote bilateral trade and investment. 
  • DPM/FM will lead representatives from government agencies and private sectors to a field study of Saudi Arabia’s economic development projects in order to further promote cooperation on trade and investment.
  • DPM/FM is scheduled to meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Investment, Minister of Tourism, and Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia. 
  • Both sides will also discuss the Roadmap to Strengthen Bilateral Relations between Thailand and Saudi Arabia, and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the Establishment of Saudi – Thai Coordination Council.

3. DPM/FM reiterates that development should be balanced in all dimensions at the High-level Virtual Meeting of the Group of Friends of Global Development Initiative

  • On 9 May 2022, DPM/FM delivered pre-recorded remarks at the opening session of the High-level Virtual Meeting of the Group of Friends of Global Development Initiative (GoF of GDI) upon China’s invitation.
  • DPM/FM congratulated China for organising the first-ever High-level Virtual Meeting as countries have less than a decade to achieve the SDGs. DPM/FM highlighted disparities within and among countries as a common challenge for all, and reiterated that Thailand stands ready to work with and share the country’s approaches toward sustainable and balanced development, namely the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and the Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model, with members of the GoF of GDI.  
  • The High-level Virtual Meeting of the GoF of GDI was held under the theme “Deepening Cooperation under Global Development Initiatives for Accelerated Implementation of the 2030 Agenda.” The meeting aimed to drive forward the GDI as a means to accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Currently, the GoF of GDI comprises 53 member countries, including six ASEAN members, namely Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Lao PDR. 
  • Other high level dignitaries attending the meeting were Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations; Mr. Wang Yi, State Councillor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, as well as Ministers from Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Cuba, Cambodia and Egypt.  

 4. DPM/FM delivered a keynote speech at the seminar organized by the Board of Trade of Thailand

  • On 5 May 2022, DPM/FM Don delivered a keynote speech on “Diplomacy and Thailand’s Economic Development” at the seminar organised by the Board of Trade of Thailand at the Centara Grand at Central World Hotel and attended by over 400 participants from various sectors.
  • In his speech, the DPM/FM touched upon the historical link between diplomacy and the economic development of the country. He elaborated on how foreign policy could unlock business opportunities with the support of the Royal Thai Embassies and Consulates-General around the world, which was even more important during this post-covid-19 recovery period and amidst the current global disruptions. The DPM/FM also illustrated how economic issues and the proactive foreign policy approach of “5S” (Security, Sustainability, Standard, Status, and Synergy) could mutually reinforce each other.

5. DPM/FM chaired the 2nd Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance for the People of Myanmar

  • On  6 May 2022, DPM/FM Don chaired the 2nd Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance for the People of Myanmar. The meeting was attended by Mrs. Pornpimol Kanchanalak, Special Envoy of FM of Thailand on Myanmar, and representatives from 23 organizations including from diplomatic corps, international organizations, private sectors, and civil societies, who exchanged information on developments of the situation in Myanmar and the provision of humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar.
  • The DPM/FM stressed the importance of providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar who have been seriously affected by ongoing conflicts in the country. During the past year, the Royal Thai Government has provided humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar through various channels. He thanked the Thai private sector for the donation of food and medical supplies that were delivered to the Myanmar Red Cross Society on 14 November 2021. Thailand has also been coordinating closely with Cambodia, as current ASEAN Chair, to find ways to effectively deliver humanitarian assistance to the Myanmar people in need, and to promote a peaceful political settlement in Myanmar.
  • The participants shared information on their efforts relating to the provision of humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar, their assessments of needs on the ground, and challenges concerning access to affected areas and vulnerable groups. They reaffirmed their readiness to support and cooperate with Thailand in this regard. In conclusion, the Meeting agreed on the need to build trust and confidence among all relevant stakeholders, depoliticize humanitarian assistance, and coordinate, cooperate and exchange information with a view to expanding access to humanitarian assistance in all areas, including along the Thailand - Myanmar border.

6. Thailand – U.S. Strategic and Defense Dialogue (9-10 May 2022)

  • E. Mr. Thani Thongphakdi, PS for Foreign Affairs, and General WarakiatRattananont, PS of the Ministry of Defence, attended the inaugural Thailand – U.S. Strategic and Defense Dialogue in Washington D.C. which was held after the 8thStrategic Dialogue between MFA and the U.S. Department of State and the 7th Defense Strategic Talks between the Ministry of Defence and the U.S. Department of Defense. The co-chairs of the U.S. side were U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink and U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Ely Ratner. 
  • The Dialogue discussed ways to enhance Thailand – U.S. strategic partnership in all aspects, ranging from enhancing political and security cooperation, strengthening economic partnership, to deepening people-to-people ties, as well as promoting a peaceful and stable environment conducive to the socio-economic recovery from COVID-19. 
  • Both sides reiterated the importance of long-standing Thailand – U.S. alliance based on shared values and common interests which have long contributed to peace and prosperity in the region. Leading up to the 190thanniversary of the Thailand – U.S. diplomatic relations in 2023, both sides also discussed how to further strengthen the multi-faceted cooperation, including the setting up of a joint working group to organize a series of joint events and related public engagement activities in promoting people-to-people relations. 
  • The Dialogue highlighted the comprehensive economic partnership between Thailand and the U.S. Both sides deliberated on promoting investment and development cooperation, ranging from climate change, renewable and clean energy, electronic vehicles, digital economy, human security in all aspects, humanitarian assistance to sustainable development. Both sides deliberated on ways to further strengthen cooperation in addressing modern-day non-traditional challenges, such as cyber security, maritime security, counter-terrorism, transnational crimes, health security, and climate crisis.
  • Both sides exchanged views on the current global challenges and regional strategic landscape as well as promoted cooperation at the sub-regional and regional levels, particularly the ASEAN – U.S. cooperation, and enhancing development cooperation in the Mekong sub-region through the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS), and the Mekong – U.S. Partnership (MUSP). The meeting also discussed Thailand’s agenda during its APEC Host Year and on working together to ensure a seamless transition to the U.S. Host Year in 2023, particularly on the agenda of common interest and priorities.   

7. The APEC Second Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM2) and related meetings  

  • The APEC Second Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM2) and related meetings kicks off on 9 May at the Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, with discussions on human resources development, pertinent to driving APEC towards post-pandemic digital economy that supports Thailand’s host year objective of sustainable and inclusive growth.  
  • During 9-12 May 2022, APEC delegates and experts working in education, capacity building, and labour market policy participated in a series of meetings organised by the APEC Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG), under the theme “Shaping Smart Citizens with Digitalisation and Eco-Friendly Awareness”, which was proposed by Thailand to support the APEC 2022’s theme of “Open. Connect. Balance.” 
  • Representatives from international organisations in APEC economies are also invited to exchange their views. From the Thai side, Ms. Treenuch Thienthong, Thailand’s Minister of Education shared her vision on the impact of COVID-19 and how to increase resilience of the education system at the Education Network Meeting on 11 May 2022. 
  • Thai representatives in the HRDWG also emphasised the importance of raising eco-friendly awareness among youth and collaborative direction of education, employment, and decent work in the VUCA world, as well as sharing Thailand’s experience of human resource capacity development in the electrical vehicle industry.
  • During 9-14 May 2022, Thailand is also hosting the 64th APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group Meeting (TELWG 64).  APEC delegates and subject matter experts are discussing how APEC can best harness digital manpower in the Next Normal and unlock the future of digital society through the sharing of emerging telecommunication technology experiences and enhancing trust and cyber security for the digital economy prosperity of the Asia-Pacific Region.   
  • TELWG64 consists of a Plenary Session and 3 Steering Groups meetings, namely Liberalisation Steering Group (LSG), ICT Development Steering Group (DSG) and Security and Prosperity Steering Group (SPSG). 
  • On 10 May 2022, Mr. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, Minister of Digital Economy and Society highlighted Thailand’s commitment to promoting digital society and economy. Several roundtable meetings were also organised on the same day to discuss topics under the three steering groups including (1) the Future of Digital Manpower in the Next Normal, (2) Sharing the Emerging Telecommunication Technology Experiences to Unlock the Future of Digital Society and (3) Enhancing Trust and Security for APEC Digital Economy Prosperity. 
  • The Media Conference of the SOM 2 will be held on 19 May. For media who has not yet registered and wish to participate in the Media Conference, please go to media kit: https://www.apec2022.go.th/apec-senior-officials-meeting-2-som2-media-kit/



Weekly Press Briefing: https://fb.watch/cYxRDtMW4I/

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Press Division
Department of Information

