Thai Government and the UN holds meeting to review the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework in its first year

Thai Government and the UN holds meeting to review the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework in its first year

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 2 Jun 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 2 Jun 2023

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On 26 May 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand (MFA) hosted the Tripartite Steering Committee Meeting to jointly review the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2022 – 2026 (UNSDCF) for 2022, as well as to discuss its further implementation. The meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Danucha Pichayanan, Secretary-General of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC), Mrs. Eksiri Pintaruchi, Director-General of the Department of International Organizations, MFA, and Ms. Gita Sabharwal, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Thailand. The meeting was attended by participants from the MFA, NESDC and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT).

The UNCT representatives, led by the meeting’s co-chair Ms. Gita Sabharwal, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Thailand, highlighted key achievements of projects and activities conducted by the UN through the High Impact Initiatives, and provided recommendations on strategies to accelerate SDGs attainment. Meanwhile, Mr. Danucha Pichayanan and Mrs. Eksiri Pintaruchi, as co-chairs of the Thai side, welcomed the UNCT’s active role in promoting SDGs in Thailand through the UNSDCF, and reiterated the importance of the alignment between the UNSDCF and Thailand’s 20-Year National Strategy and the 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan which allows Thailand to work towards achievement of the SDGs and Thailand’s development agenda in tandem.

Director-General Pintaruchi also encouraged greater synergies between the UNCT, Thai Government agencies and all stakeholders in the pursuit of sustainable development in Thailand, the efforts of which are guided by the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP), and the Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model (BCG).

The Tripartite Committee, the highest governing body of the UNSDCF, was established in January 2022. Its Steering Committee, comprising the MFA, the NESDC, and the UNCT, is tasked to monitor progress towards achieving the targeted results under the UNSDCF, as well as provide policy guidance and recommend strategic adjustments to accelerate action to achieve sustainable development in Thailand.

