“The 90th Anniversary Celebration Night” Organized by the Royal Thai Embassy in Bern

“The 90th Anniversary Celebration Night” Organized by the Royal Thai Embassy in Bern

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 4 Jun 2021

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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“The 90th Anniversary Celebration Night”
Organized by the Royal Thai Embassy in Bern

On 28 May 2021, the Royal Thai Embassy in Bern organised “The 90th Anniversary Celebration Night” to commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and Switzerland. It was on 28 May 1931 that the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between the Kingdom of Siam (the former name of Thailand) and the Swiss Confederation was concluded, marking the beginning of the official diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The event was held in 2 rounds to comply with the Swiss COVID-19 measures’ limit of maximum 50 guests for indoor events. The first round was attended by representatives from Thai clubs, associations and community in Switzerland, whereas the second round by representatives from Swiss public and private sectors as well as Friends of Thailand.

During the second round, which was attended by H.E. Mr. Johannes Matyassy, Deputy State Secretary and Director General of the Consular Directorate, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, as the guest of honour and representative of the Swiss Government, the event began with video messages from H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and from H.E. Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, Vice President and Head of Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland. Both Ministers praised the close and long standing relations between the two countries and pledged to strengthen closer cooperation in the future in areas such as trade, human development and sustainability.

H.E. Mr. Chakri Srichawana, Ambassador of Thailand to Switzerland, then gave his welcoming remarks, highlighting the long history of Thai – Swiss relations, which he described as “people-centered”, in recognition of the role the Thai and Swiss peoples have played in forging these close and cooperative relations. H.E. Mr.  Matyassy also gave his remarks, acknowledging the important milestone in the relations and expressed willingness of Switzerland to partner with Thailand to achieve development and stability in the Southeast Asian region.

After the opening session, the showcase of Thai – Swiss cultural exchanges began with the special violin and piano recital by a Swiss violinist, Gabrielle Brunner, and a Thai pianist, Siwat Chuencharoen. The performance featured famous Thai pieces by Dnu Huntrakul such as “The Itinerant Feet” and “Sanam Luang” written about the charms of Bangkok and western pieces such as “The Violin Sonata No. 2” or “Thun Sonata” by Johannes Brahms, which was inspired by the German composer’s visit to Thun in 1886. The night was concluded with an art exhibition, which comprised both watercolor paintings by Thai and Swiss artists and awarded pieces from the drawing competition of Thai children in Switzerland.

Despite the limitations from the measures of the Swiss Government to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the event was a success. Following the event, guests expressed their appreciation and praised the event and the format it was held.



