Weekly press briefing by MFA spokesperson On Friday, 20 May 2022 at 11:30 hours via MFA Facebook Live

Weekly press briefing by MFA spokesperson On Friday, 20 May 2022 at 11:30 hours via MFA Facebook Live

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 20 May 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 20 May 2022

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Weekly press briefing by MFA spokesperson
On Friday, 20 May 2022 at 11:30 hours
via MFA Facebook Live


1. PM of Thailand attends the ASEAN - U.S. Special Summit in Washington, D.C. (12 – 13 May 2022)

  • PM attended the ASEAN-U.S. Special Summit in Washington, D.C. to commemorate the 45th Anniversary of the ASEAN-U.S. Dialogue Relations at the invitation of U.S. President.
  • PM and ASEAN leaders engaged with the U.S. President, Vice President, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and high-level officials from economic and climate agencies, as well as the U.S. business sector; US-ASEAN Business Council (USABC), US Chamber of Commerce (USCC) and National Center for APEC (NCAPEC).
  • PM underlined the importance of enduring peace and resilience, as well as the need to enhance the region’s readiness to cope with changes while advancing towards the New Normal era. PM advoctaed three priorities:
  • (1) promoting U.S.’ constructive engagements with ASEAN and other key players in the region to create an environment of mutual trust conducive to the post-COVID-19 recovery, while urging for a shift in focus to humanitarian consideration to alleviate the impacts of unrest situations around the world;
  • (2) accelerating economic recovery and strengthening a resilient supply chain whereas U.S. businesses are invited to invest in and develop high technology sector such as EV; and
    (3) enhancing sustainable development through transition to clean energy and low-carbon society, and working together to take forward new development approaches such as the BCG Economy Model.
  • S. President and officials from various sectors reaffirmed the U.S.’ support for ASEAN Centrality and ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific and the U.S.’ Indo-Pacific Strategy. The U.S. also announced over USD 150 million in initiatives to expand engagements with ASEAN in the areas of climate action, education, maritime cooperation, and health security.
  • Both sides adopted the Joint Vision Statement, which set out ASEAN and the U.S.’ commitment to advancing relations towards establishing a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in the future. The U.S. President announced the nomination of Mr. Johannes Abebe Abraham as the U.S. Ambassador to ASEAN.
  • DPM/FM had a bilateral meeting with Secretary of State, on 12 May 2022. Both sides discussed Thailand – U.S. strategic partnership in all dimensions, ranging from cooperation on public health, COVID-19 response and recovery, anti-human trafficking efforts, to promoting economic partnership, particularly cooperation on economic revitalization, strong and resilient supply chain and digital economy. The U.S. commended Thailand’s commitment to promoting the EV industry and clean energy, which are in line with the U.S. climate agenda. Both sides agreed to ensure a seamless transition between Thailand’s and U.S.’ APEC Host Years in 2022 and 2023.
  • Both sides exchanged views on regional developments, including roles of ASEAN, cooperation in the Mekong Sub-region, as well as the situation in Myanmar and humanitarian assistance for the people of Myanmar.
  • On 13 May 2022, DPM/FM had a bilateral meeting with the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry and discussed cooperation on sustainable and eco-friendly development and climate change, which are shared priorities of both sides during Thailand’s APEC Host Year in 2022 and U.S. APEC Host Year in 2023.

2. DPM/FM's official visit to Saudi Arabia (15 – 18 May 2022)

  • DPM/FM paid an official visit to Saudi Arabia to promote cooperation on politics, economic, trade and investment. The official visit was joined by representatives from government agencies and representatives from 39 private companies. DPM/FM met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Investment, and Minister of Tourism of Saudi Arabia.
  • On 16 May 2022, DPM/FM gave an opening remark at the Saudi – Thai Investment Forum 2022, a fora where Thai – Saudi private and public sectors exchanged knowledge and expertise to promote trade and investment cooperation. 110 private companies of Saudi Arabia participated in the event.
  • DPM/FM also presided over the opening of Halal food trade fair in Riyadh, to promote Thai Halal products. 
  • On 17 May 2022, DPM/FM and the delegation attended the dinner and business matching held by the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Makkah Chamber of Commerce. The business matching event was attended by 38 Thai companies from 14 business sectors and 73 Saudi counterparts from Jeddah and Makkah, which are well-known cities for market potential and strategic commercial location since Jeddah is the Kingdom’s largest trade hub. The mutual interests of Thai and Saudi private sectors included tourism, service and health care industries, anti-aging, wellness, clean energy, construction materials, supply-chain, and digitalisation.
  • On 18 May 2022, DPM/FM visited King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and Al-Ula city, a cultural heritage and city development mega project that is in line with the Saudi Vision 2030.
  • Both sides also signed keys documents, which included MOU between Saudi – Thai Chambers of Commerce, as well as 4 MOUs between Thai companies; Gulf of Energy, Indorama Ventures, Siam Cement Group, Minor Hotel, and Minister of Investment of Saudi Arabia.
  • Outcomes of the visit include the following areas:
    (1) Labour – Saudi Arabia has a demand to hire 200,000 Thai workers for mega city development projects, construction, and service sectors;
    (2) Agriculture – Due to global shortage of chemical fertilizers caused by situation in Ukraine, Saudi Arabia will further discuss with Thailand concerning the import of fertilizers from Saudi Arabia.;
    (3) Food – 2,000 – 3,000 Thai Halal products are introduced and sold in the Saudi market, reflecting the popularity and recognition of Thai Halal products standard in Saudi Arabia;
    (4) Automobile and electrical appliances industries – Saudi counterparts plan to pay a study visit to Thailand;
    (5) Building materials - Thai construction materials are on high demand for building projects in Saudi Arabia;

    (6) Medical and health care services - Saudi counterparts are interested in a study visit to Thailand for networking and exchange of knowledge and expertise; and
    (7) Visa - Both sides agreed to further discuss in detail concerning the agreement on visa exemption for diplomatic and official passports.
  • The Saudi side is also considering to assist over Thai 800 overstayers in Saudi Arabia.

3. Second APEC Senior Officials Meeting (SOM2)
(9-19 May 2022)

  • SOM2 and Related Meetings concluded on 19 May 2022, participated by over 1,200 APEC delegates from 21 member economies. The meeting drove forward Thailand host year’s objectives of a sustainable, inclusive and balanced economic recovery from COVID-19 and address new economic challenges that threaten food and energy security and supply chain disruptions. Key development and achievements are as follows:
    (1) Open to all opportunities - Thailand proposed to bring a new momentum to APEC’s conversation on the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP). SOM2 has made a significant progress by pushing forward an initiative to develop a multi-year work plan on the FTAAP for APEC to continue undertaking the FTAAP dialogue and capacity building program for member economies;
    (2) Connect in all dimensions - Thailand’s host year priority of reconnecting the region is driven forward by the APEC Safe Passage Taskforce. Important progress was made from the meeting, including to move ahead with Thailand’s proposal for interoperability of vaccine certificates through the sharing of information necessary for verifying
    vaccine certificates issued by APEC economies. The proposal will enable faster and more effective border procedures and facilitate safer and more seamless cross-border travel in the region;
    (3) Balance in all aspects - Thailand proposed a standalone Leaders’ Statement with the working title of “Bangkok Goals on BCG Economy,” as a key deliverable. During SOM2, APEC Senior Officials had a productive discussion on the draft developed based on economies’ inputs, which will be further developed and submitted for endorsement by APEC leaders in Bangkok in November 2022.
  • SOM2 marks the halfway point of APEC Thailand 2022, towards achieving key deliverables. Important progress and tangible achievements have been made under all three priorities, which will be further advanced to realise the host year’s goal of a more open, connected and balanced Asia-Pacific.


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Weekly Press Briefing:  https://fb.watch/d6U6yKPNMY/


Press Division,

Department of Information



