Deputy Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs attends the 2nd Global Refugee Forum

Deputy Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs attends the 2nd Global Refugee Forum

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 15 Dec 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 15 Dec 2023

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On 13-15 December 2023, Mrs. Phatipha Iamsudha Ekarohit, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs, headed the Thai Delegation to the 2nd Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, during which she expressed Thailand’s readiness to cooperate with the international community to provide assistance, protection, and sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced persons. She also announced Thailand’s pledges in 8 areas, namely:

1. To strengthen the National Screening Mechanism;

2. To resolve statelessness, with priority being given to children born in Thailand;

3. To review alternatives to detention to enhance its inclusivity and further develop community-based care;

4. To enhance access to education and skills development for forcibly displaced and stateless children, including to consider providing additional financial support;

5. To develop health coverage schemes for migrants to ensure access to affordable health services;

6. To expand cooperation with other countries to find durable solutions for persons in need of international protection;

7. To provide humanitarian assistance to the Rohingyas, and development assistance to the country of origin;

8. To withdraw Thailand’s reservation to Article 22 of the CRC.

In addition, the Thai delegation, consisting of representatives from the Office of the National Security Council, the Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, participated in side events on issues that Thailand has made signigicant progress and is well recognized by the international community, such as the alternatives to detention, statelessness, and assistance for the Rohingyas.

