Opening remarks by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs at the OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum 2024, 26 March 2024

Opening remarks by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs at the OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum 2024, 26 March 2024

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 29 Mar 2024

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Opening remarks by
H.E. Mr. Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand,
at the OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum 2024,
26 March 2024




  1. Thank you for extending your kind invitation for me to share my thoughts at the Forum today.
  2. To begin, I want to commend the OECD for its proactive efforts in establishing international standards and shaping global policies on anti-corruption and good governance. I especially applaud the creation of the Anti-Bribery Convention, which stands as the premier and sole international treaty aimed at combating transnational bribery in the business sector.
  3. This issue is key in ensuring the well-functioning of globalization and designing our future with integrity.
  4. I wish to emphasise that now Thailand is not only open for business, but we also aim to create a better business climate with good governance, transparency and public integrity.
  5. Thailand wishes to strengthen its position as a trustworthy and responsible business partner in the international supply chain.



  1. Despite ongoing challenges, Thailand has made progress in elevating its standards and enhancing the regulatory framework concerning anti-corruption and public integrity.
  2. At the domestic level, Thailand has taken steps to ensure effective implementation of the relevant domestic laws such as developing Guidelines on appropriate anti-bribery compliance measures, setting up the Anti-Bribery Advisory Service, organising workshops and seminars for business sectors across the country, as well as promoting the anti-bribery culture in businesses through various platforms.
  3. At the global level, Thailand wishes to fulfill our commitments under
    the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). We have put our efforts into developing our legislation to meet international standards and encourage information exchange among practitioners.
  4. Thailand has gained many valuable insights and learnt a good number of best practices which we have put into good use.
  5. One such example is the launch of the OECD Integrity Review of Thailand in 2021 and the implementation of the project "Reinforcing Anti-Corruption Framework" as part of the OECD-Thailand Country Programme Phase 2.
  6. Following recommendations from the OECD, Thailand has developed legislation for a non-trial resolution mechanism aimed at addressing both domestic and foreign bribery cases involving legal entities.



  1. Corruption and money laundering are cross-border issues that need more collaboration among public and private sectors and civil society.
  2. Because of that, we all must work together and seek for ways to make our efforts more efficient.   
  3. In this regard, Thailand wishes to urge all parties to cooperate in using technology to help the inspection of the procurement process and ensuring the enforcement of the law on beneficial ownership information of all countries to be more effective.
  4. We should encourage more exchange of financial intelligence
    and information and increase efficiency in Asset Recovery.
  5. Last but not least, I wish to reiterate that combating corruption
    and reinforcing good governance will remain among top agendas in our engagement with the OECD.
  6. Another significant step of our cooperation will be the launch of a report analysing Thailand’s anti-corruption framework in August 2024. I am certain that this framework will elevate our standard and help us realise our aspiration in becoming an adherent to the Anti-Bribery Convention and a full member of OECD.
  7. I thank you.
