The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs discussed way forward in fortifying economic relations, technical cooperation, agricultural technology, and the enhancement of people linkage, in a farewell call by Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to Thailand.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs discussed way forward in fortifying economic relations, technical cooperation, agricultural technology, and the enhancement of people linkage, in a farewell call by Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to Thailand.

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 4 Nov 2021

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs met with H.E. Mrs. Maria Alicia Cuzzoni de Sonchein, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to Thailand, during her farewell call. Both sides discussed the strengthening relations of over 66-years between the two countries. Other topics included the way forward in fortifying economic relations, technical cooperation, agricultural technology, nuclear power for peaceful use and space technology, as well as the enhancement of people linkage through education, culture and sports.

On 29 October 2021, H.E. Mrs. Maria Alicia Cuzzoni de Sonchein, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to Thailand, paid a farewell call on H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. During the discussion, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed his appreciation for the Ambassador’s productive endeavour during her five-year tenure, which contributed to the enhancement of the long-lasting Thai-Argentine relations.

The two sides applauded the amicable Thai-Argentine relations which have flourished for over 66 years. Thailand and Argentina have deepened cooperation in various dimensions under both bilateral and multilateral frameworks. They determined to revitalize the Fifth Political Consultations after the COVID-19 pandemic and aimed to expand trade, notably food products, and technical cooperation, including forensic science, biotechnology and agricultural technology, as well as nuclear technology for peaceful use and space technology. The two sides further discussed the advancement of people-to-people relations by encouraging exchanges in the areas of education, culture and sports, particularly Muay Thai and Argentine football.

Argentina has been Thailand’s oldest ally and its third largest trading partner in Latin America and the Caribbean. As a gateway to other members of the Southern Common Market (MECOSUR), Argentina is one of the key countries in Thailand’s new market policy. Argentina is endowed with abundant natural resources, including wind energy and lithium, which would benefit Thailand in developing its battery and electric car industries as well as in economic development in line with the Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) model.

