Ambassador of Thailand to Kuwait meets with Thai Students Society in Kuwait (TSSK)

Ambassador of Thailand to Kuwait meets with Thai Students Society in Kuwait (TSSK)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 20 Nov 2018

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2022

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          H.E. the Ambassador of Thailand to the State of Kuwait and the Embassy’s officials met on ๑๖ November ๒๐๑๘ with the Thai Students Society in Kuwait (TSSK) at the Royal Thai Embassy in Kuwait on the occasion of the beginning of a new semester. The president of the TSSK introduced the new TSSK committees as well as the stories of the TSSK since it was established in ๑๙๙๙ to provide a space for students to learn how to work together and be a bridge between the students and the Embassy. On this occasion, H.E. the Ambassador handed the amount of ๗๕,๐๐๐ baht allocated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand to the TSSK’s president to support to the TSSK activities for the year ๒๐๑๘-๒๐๑๙ and expressed best wishes for the students’ success in studying and happy living in Kuwait. The Embassy also hosted lunch for all students.

          Currently, TSSK has ๕๕ members; ๓๐ boys and ๒๕ girls, ๒๘ of which are undergraduate students and the rest are studying at the secondary and high school levels. There are ๕ new students this year.

