Royal Thai Consulate-General’s Participation at United Nations Day Symposium in Kolkata, India

Royal Thai Consulate-General’s Participation at United Nations Day Symposium in Kolkata, India

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 30 Oct 2018

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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          On 25 October 2018, Mr. Kasemsan Thongsiri, Acting Consul-General, and Mr. Nutt Svasti-Salee, Consul, Royal Thai Consulate-General, Kolkata, attended a symposium organised by West Bengal Federation of United Nations Association (WEBFUNA) at Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Kolkata, India, on the occasion of the 73rd United Nations Day. This event was attended by representatives from 3 consular missions and 130 students from 9 schools in Kolkata.
        The theme of the Symposium was entitled “Does United Nations have relevance in today’s world affairs?”. The Acting Consul-General, who was invited as a panelist guest, also delivered his address concerning multilateralism, the role and significance of the United Nations as the global multilateral platform, Thailand’s role and position at the United Nations, as well as the necessity to undertake reforms of the United Nations system and the structure of the United Nations Security Council, in order for this international organization to maintain its significance and relevance in today’s world context.
        Apart from the addresses delivered by the members of the Consular Corps of Kolkata, the WEBFUNA also organised a “Youth Voice” session, whereby students from each participating school gave a speech related to the theme of the symposium, and received certificates of appreciation from the guests and panelists of the symposium, including the Acting Consul-General.


