Meet the Ambassador 2018 Event Highlights Thailand’s Potential in Halal Tourism and Standard

Meet the Ambassador 2018 Event Highlights Thailand’s Potential in Halal Tourism and Standard

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 27 Sep 2018

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2022

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          On 12 September 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Sheikhul Islam Office and the Tourism Authority of Thailand co-organized the “Meet the Ambassador” event at Al Meroz Hotel, with Mr. Aziz Phitakkumpon, Sheikhul Islam of Thailand, presiding over the event. Guests included Mr. Ittipol Khunplome, Vice Minister for Tourism and Sports, Mr. Natapanu Nopakun, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Information, and delegates from the embassies of six Muslim countries in Thailand, including the Ambassador of Turkey, Kazakhstan and Nigeria, the Charge d' Affaires of Libya, and representatives of the Embassies of Malaysia and Iran.

          As part of the welcoming speech, the Sheikhul Islam explained that the purpose of the “Meet the Ambassador” event was to raise awareness on the Thai monarchy’s role as the patron of all religions, which has allowed citizens from different religious backgrounds to coexist peacefully within a multicultural society. The event also aims to provide information about Islam in Thailand, the Thai Government’s role in supporting Islam, and the Sheikhul Isalm Office’s role in promoting good relations between Thai Muslims and other sectors of Thai society.

          Deputy Director-General of the Department of Information delivered remarks, higjlighting that the “Meet the Ambassador” event provides a great opportunity for Thailand to present its potential to the diplomatic corps, who can then relay information  to their respective countries. He stressed that the selected topic of the lectures presented at the event will be beneficial in raising the awareness about Thailand’s halal tourism and products.

          In light of the occasion, the Vice Minister for Tourism and Sports gave a lecture on “Halal Tourism”, followed by lectures on “Muslims in Thailand” by Dr. Sarawut Aree, Director of Muslim Studies Centre, Chulalongkorn University and “Improving the Halal Standard and Certification in Thailand” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pakorn Priyakorn, Director of the Halal Standard Institute of Thailand. The contents of the lectures highlighted the history of Muslims in Thailand as well as Muslims’ contributions to the country’s development. One example of such contributions is the improvement of the Thai halal standard through scientific frameworks. The result of this effort has allowed halal products to become a supporting factor in the success of Thailand’s “Kitchen of the World” initiative. Today, Thailand is the World’s tenth largest producer of halal products. Furthermore, Thailand has enhanced its halal tourism industry, making it the second most popular non-OIC travel destination for Muslim tourists. Currently, Thailand is striving towards the goal of Halal 4.0. 

          The participants commended the various activities and initiatives Thailand has undertaken, including the organization of the Maulid Nabi Celebration, promotion of Halal tourism and products, and trainings on Halal science. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has co-organized this event with the Sheikhul Islam Office for the second time.

