ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN

ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 8 Aug 2017

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN
8 August 2017 

1. The 50th Anniversary of ASEAN is a historic occasion that highlights our success in building an ASEAN Community that is rules-based, people-oriented, and people-centered.

2. As we celebrate this milestone, we recall the aspirations of the 1967 ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) to promote regional cooperation and contribute towards peace, progress and prosperity in the region.

3. We reaffirm that the aims, principles and purposes of the 1967 ASEAN Declaration, which have been enshrined in the ASEAN Charter, have guided ASEAN through five decades of peace and stability, economic integration, socio-cultural cooperation, political cooperation and people-to-people exchanges.

4. As we move forward together, we will intensify our efforts to realize the goals of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 under our theme of “One Vision, One Identity, One Community.” We reaffirm our commitment to the effective, efficient and timely implementation of the ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint 2025, the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025, the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025, the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and the Initiative for ASEAN Integration Work Plan III. We underline the complementarities of these community building efforts with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which will help us meet our obligations and responsibilities in the global world order, including the realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

5. We reaffirm our commitment to the maintenance and promotion of peace, security, and stability, including the peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law.

6. We will comprehensively address cross-sectoral concerns, including non-traditional security issues and transnational challenges, such as illicit drug trafficking, trafficking-in-persons, terrorism, and violent extremism; as well as other transboundary challenges such as disaster management, emerging infectious diseases and maritime-related issues. We will further strengthen our efforts to address key regional and global challenges in collaboration with the international community.

7. We will continue our initiatives to provide greater opportunities for our peoples and to narrow the development gaps in ASEAN. We will foster the ASEAN Economic Community towards its vision of an economy that is highly integrated, cohesive, competitive, innovative, dynamic, more resilient and inclusive, with enhanced connectivity and integration with the global economy. ASEAN values the benefits of opening and strengthening economic ties that have promoted economic growth across Southeast Asia. Further, we will support entrepreneurship and the role of science, technology, and innovation as our industries and enterprises, particularly MSMEs, integrate into the global value chains. We will implement our commitments under the multilateral trading system and in various free trade arrangements.

8. We recognize that our peoples are the greatest resource and asset of our region and we are committed to uplift their quality of life. We will promote people-to-people exchanges. We will consolidate our socio-cultural initiatives and opportunities to collectively deliver and fully realize human development and sustainable development. We will continue to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, equitable access to opportunities and poverty eradication. We will support the empowerment of marginalized and vulnerable groups.

9. We underscore the importance of the environment and its contribution to social development, economic growth, disaster resilience, and ecosystem services at the national, regional, and global levels. We will continue to conserve, protect, and sustainably use ASEAN’s rich terrestrial and marine biodiversity, as well as address climate change and other trans-boundary environmental issues

10.We shall uphold ASEAN Centrality in engaging our Dialogue Partners and other external parties, especially in the evolving regional architecture. We will intensify our cooperation with our Dialogue Partners and other external parties in addressing shared concerns.

11.We will continue to strengthen ASEAN, its institutions and mechanisms, including the ASEAN Secretariat. We will further promote the relevance and awareness of ASEAN at the national, regional and international levels. As a model of regionalism, we are determined to further develop ASEAN’s capacity to fulfill its commitments and responsibilities as a major global player.

12.We look to the next 50 years and beyond, confident in our ability to build on our past achievements and address future challenges effectively as one ASEAN Community.
