A Courtesy Call by Ambassador of Thailand to Brazil on H.E. Mr.Edison Lobao, Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil

A Courtesy Call by Ambassador of Thailand to Brazil on H.E. Mr.Edison Lobao, Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 1 Sep 2014

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 25 Nov 2022

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       On 19 August 2014, H.E. Mr. Pitchayaphant Charnbhumidol, Ambassador of Thailand to Brazil, paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Edison Lobao, Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil.
       During the meeting, Ambassador of Thailand exchanged views with the Mines and Energy Minister on the development of bilateral relations including finding ways to promote technical cooperation between the two countries. The Minister commended the Royal Thai Embassy’s work as an important mechanism in strengthening the relationship between Thailand and Brazil. He emphasized Brazil’s readiness to support and closely collaborate with Thailand, especially in the fields of mineral and energy resources.
       Ambassador Chanbhumidol and Minister Lobao further exchanged views on mineral and energy resources, as Brazil is endowed with abundantly national resources. Brazil is also well-known as the country that highly attaches great importance to the alternative energy and as the world number-one producer of “Ethanol”
        Ambassador Chanbhumidol also explained about Thailand’s political situation in that the country has progressively moved into the 2nd phase of the 3-stage Roadmap. The provisional constitution of Thailand has been promulgated and the National Legislative Assembly has already been established. The new Prime Minister and cabinet would be in change before September 2014, the National Reform Council would be established and the drafting of new constitution would begin in October 2014, respectively. A full-fledged election is expected to be held by October 2015.

