Meeting on collaboration and increasing efficiencies to push forward the new market exploration policies in the Latin American and Caribbean Region.

Meeting on collaboration and increasing efficiencies to push forward the new market exploration policies in the Latin American and Caribbean Region.

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 30 Jan 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2022

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On 24 January 2020, Mr. Witchu Vejjajiva, Director-General of the Department of American and South Pacific Affairs, met with Mr. Somdet Susomboon, Director-General of the Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two sides discussed joint collaboration with an aim to increase efficiencies in pushing forward new market exploration policies in Latin America in line with the Royal Thai Government’s policy. The two Ministries will co-organise a conference, in collaboration with 9 Latin American and Caribbean embassies in Thailand, to disseminate information to Thai entrepreneurs on opportunities, potentials and challenges in doing business in the Latin American Region (on 25 March 2020). Moreover, the two government agencies will discuss possibilities to jointly organise the Latin Link 2020 Project to lead representatives of the public and private sectors to target countries in Latin America in order to explore opportunities in doing business in the said region.
  In addition, both Departments agreed to work together to increase public use of the Discover Latin America (DLA) mobile application developed and launched by the Department of American and South Pacific Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, especially for information on trade and investment in Latin America. Furthermore, in order to maximise opportunities for Thai Ambassadors in Latin America to lead business delegations from their accredited countries to Thailand to participate in key international trade fairs, such as THAIFEX, the DITP will organise a seminar to disseminate useful information to the private sector about trade and investment opportunities in their respective countries.  

